泰国景点的中文提示 泰国景点英文

导读:泰国景点的中文提示 泰国景点英文 1. 泰国景点英文 2. 泰国旅游英文 3. 泰国著名景点英文 4. 泰国地点英文 5. 泰国景点英文介绍带翻译 6. 泰国著名景点的英文名称 7. 泰国是一个观光旅游的好地方的英文 8. 泰国景点英文名称 9. 泰国景点英文翻译 10. 泰国景点英文介绍

1. 泰国景点英文


2. 泰国旅游英文

Bangkok --City of Angels Bangkok Thailand's capital, the second largest city in Southeast Asia Square and population An area of ?

?1568 square kilometers, the urban population reached 9.1 million (2010), is Thailand's political, economic, cultural, educational, transportation center and largest city. Culture--Buddhism Transportation Canal-Oriental Venice Airport-Southeast Asia's largest modern international airport Harbor Food--curry Most crowded city Modern city Scene

3. 泰国著名景点英文

Sand, sun and fun make Pattaya one of the most popular destinations for visitors to Thailand. Pattaya,on the eastern coast of the Gulf of Thailand,is a cosmopolitan city dedicated to the pursuit of excitement,pleasure and adventure.


4. 泰国地点英文

中国没有destn这个地方吧,中国地名如果翻译成英文的话都是直接用汉语拼音往上套的,比如上海的英文就是shàng hǎi,不会是这种杂乱无章的写法,而destn是泰国的英文叫法。

5. 泰国景点英文介绍带翻译

白庙(WHITE TEMPLE)其实只是俗称,真正的英文名叫Wat Rong Khun,汉语为龙昆寺、灵光寺或白龙寺。

始建于1998年的白庙是泰国著名建筑师Mr Chalermchai耗尽毕生心血创造了他人生中最伟大的作品。阳光下,这座白色的庙宇徜徉在蔚蓝的天空, 闪着炫目耀眼的光芒,蓝天之下白庙简直就是一件艺术瑰宝。


6. 泰国著名景点的英文名称

Thailand 是泰国 相当于England是英国 一样 芬兰的全称是芬兰共和国 芬兰是简称 只是叫芬兰好听罢了

7. 泰国是一个观光旅游的好地方的英文

你好! 我听说泰国是个旅游观光的好地方 I hear that Thailand is a good place to go sightseeing

8. 泰国景点英文名称

菲律宾Philippines、越南Vietnam、老挝Laos、柬埔寨Cambodia、缅甸Myanmar、泰国Thailand、马来西亚Malaysia、文莱BruneiDarussalam、新加坡Singapore、印度尼西亚Indonesia、东帝汶 east Timor。

9. 泰国景点英文翻译


Thailand has become the tourist mecca of Asia.泰国已经成为亚洲旅游胜地。

Thailand is at its most vibrant during the New Year celebrations.在欢度新年期间,泰国举国欢腾。

I can't remember all the places we visited in Thailand.

10. 泰国景点英文介绍

泰国 thailand .

officialy the kingdom of thiland , is a country loacted in southeast asia . It is bordered to the north by Burma and Laos, to the east by Laos andCambodia, to the south by the Gulf of Thailand and Malaysia, and to the west by the Andaman Sea and the southern extremity of Burma. Its maritime boundaries include Vietnam in the Gulf of Thailand to the southeast, and Indonesia and India on the Andaman Sea to the southwest.

With a total area of approximately 513,000 km2 (198,000 sq mi), Thailand is the world's 51st-largest country.

Thailand experienced rapid economic growth between 1985 and 1996, becoming a newly industrialized country and a major exporter. Manufacturing, agriculture, and tourism are leading sectors of the economy.

Thailand has a tropical climate-wet or hot and humid. In southern Thailand there are two seasons, dry and wet. The southwest monsoon are usually from mid-May to September.

Scientists believe that rainforests are the oldest ecosystems on earth. Some rain forests in Southeast Asia have been around for at least 100 million year.


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