山西太原旅游景点英语 - 山西旅游英语翻译

导读:山西太原旅游景点英语 - 山西旅游英语翻译 1. 山西旅游英语翻译 2. 我去旅游英语翻译 3. 旅游英语 翻译 4. 在山西省英文翻译 5. 山西旅游景点英语 6. 山西旅游英语介绍 7. 我去山西旅游用英语怎么说 8. 山西旅游英语作文带翻译 9. 山西旅游英语翻译招聘

1. 山西旅游英语翻译

  山西,因居太行山之西而得名,简称“晋”,又称“三晋”,省会太原市。“东依太行山,西、南依吕梁山、黄河,北依古长城,与河北、河南、陕西、内蒙古等省区为界”柳宗元称之为“表里山河”。  Shanxi, named in the west of Taihang Mountain, referred to as "Jin", also known as "Shanxi", the provincial capital of Taiyuan city. "East of Taihang Mountain, West, South according to the Lvliang mountain, Yellow River, north of the ancient Great Wall, with the provinces of Hebei, Henan, Shaanxi, Inner Mongolia and other circles," Liu said for "table mountains and rivers".  山西是中华民族发祥地之一,山西有文字记载的历史达三千年,被誉为“华夏文明摇篮”,素有“中国古代文化博物馆”之称。总面积15.67万平方公里,东有太行山,西有吕梁山,山区面积约占全省总面积的80%以上。  Shanxi is one of the birthplace of the Chinese nation, Shanxi has a history of three thousand years, known as the cradle of Chinese civilization, known as the "Museum of ancient Chinese culture," said. Total area of over square kilometers, east of Taihang Mountain, West Lu Liangshan, the mountainous area of about 80% of the total area of the province.  山西行政区轮廓略呈东北斜向西南的平行四边形,下辖11个地级市,119个县级行政单位(23个市辖区、11个县级市、85个县),总人口3610.8万(2012年)。辖区地理坐标为北纬34°34′~40°44′,东经110°14′~114°33′。  The contour in the administrative area of Shanxi Province slightly northeast oblique to the southwest of the parallelogram, under the jurisdiction of the 11 prefecture level city, 119 county-level administrative units (23 city districts, 11 county-level city, 85 county), with a total population of 3610.8 million (2012 years). The area geographic coordinates of latitude 34 degrees 34 '~40' 44 degrees, 110 degrees east longitude 14 degrees 33 '~114'.

2. 我去旅游英语翻译

I will go on trip to the beach.

3. 旅游英语 翻译


I will go to Chongqing for sightseeing


I will go to Chongqing for sightseeing

4. 在山西省英文翻译



比如:张平 应该写:Zhang Ping


单姓,比如:王海棠 应该写:Wang Haitang

复姓,比如:诸葛亮 应该写:Zhuge Liang


单姓,比如:李王文思 应该写:Li Wangwensi

复姓,比如:司马相如 应该写:Sima Xiangru

2、地名分专名和通名。专名(如省份和城市名)按照汉语拼音方案处理,首字母大写,连写,不需要连接符,如:山东 Shandong 四川 Sichuan 上海 Shanghai等。

通名(如“省”、“市”、“县”等)要按英文翻译。如:广东省 Guangdong Province 杭州市 Hangzhou City 海盐县 Haiyan County等。

注意这几个比较特殊:“景德镇” 应该是:Jingdezhen, 不是Jingde Town;“山西省” Shanxi Province,“陕西省” Shaanxi Province,“西安” Xi'an

此外,有一些地名有特定的英文表达,不是按汉语拼音进行拼写。这类地名通常是前殖民地或在少数民族地区,如:香港 Hongkong 澳门 Macau 内蒙古 Inner Mongolia 呼和浩特 Hohhot 西藏 Tibet 拉萨 Lhasa 乌鲁木齐 Urumqi 哈尔滨 Harbin 等。


1)英式日期写法:22nd,July,2009 或22,july,2009 格式为:日,月,年

2)美式日期写法:july 22nd,2009 或 july22,2009 格式为:月日,年


英文名与中文名不同,中文名是姓在前名在后,英文名恰恰相反 例如:中----李,小明;英----Jake·Wood。

英语姓名的一般结构为:教名 自取名 姓。如 William·Jefferson·Clinton。但在很多场合中间名往往略去不写,如 George·Bush,而且许多人更喜欢用昵称取代正式教名,如 Bill·Clinton。上述教名和中间名又称个人名。


5. 山西旅游景点英语

My hometown is in Shanxi, shanxi is located in north China, east and Hebei, west and Shaanxi, south and Henan borders, north and Inner Mongolia, between 34°34 '-40 °44' north latitude, 110°14 '-114 °33' east longitude, a total area of 156,700 square kilometers.

Shanxi Province across the Yellow River, haihe river two major water system, the river is a self-produced outflow type of water system. Shanxi Province is located in the middle latitude of the inland, a temperate continental monsoon climate.

6. 山西旅游英语介绍

Located in the central part of China, far from the ocean, Shanxi is an inland area. Shanxi is located in the west of Taihang Mountain and north of the Yellow River, and its geographical position is important. The temperature is suitable and the four seasons are distinct.

7. 我去山西旅游用英语怎么说

Taiyuan municiality, Shanxi province山西省太原市

8. 山西旅游英语作文带翻译

Ancient Chinese Scholartree,

Also called Hongdong Grand Scholartree, it stands in Guhuai (Ancient Schol- Park. Legend has it that the Chinese scholartree was planted in the Han Dynasty (206 BC-220 AD), later died. Then anew one was planted. Now the scholartree, 13 meters tall, still flourishes.

The big ancient Chinese scholartree in Hongdong County of Shanxi , which is also a sacred place for people from central plains of China to seek their roots and worship their ancestors because it once was a famous immigration site in the Ming Dynasty , the common saying“If you ask where my ancestors are , the big Chinese scholar tree in Hongdong County , Shanxi Province gives full proof ”can be used as an evidence of immigration history

9. 山西旅游英语翻译招聘





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