天津旅游景点英语大全 天津景点用英语怎么说

导读:天津旅游景点英语大全 天津景点用英语怎么说 1. 天津景点用英语怎么说 2. 游览天津的英文 3. 天津的景点英语 4. 天津著名景点的英文 5. 天津十大景点英文介绍 6. 天津景点中英文对照 7. 天津景点的英文翻译介绍 8. 介绍天津五大道风景区的英文

1. 天津景点用英语怎么说

楼下回答对了一半 天津解放前用英语叫做Tientsin.TSN是国际民航组织通用的三字码。

这个很早就规定的。现在也不会变。就像北京以前叫Peking。三字码是PEK。现在改成北京了 还是叫PEK。这个三字码主要是给机场命名,不是城市。比如上海虹桥是SHA,浦东是PVG

2. 游览天津的英文


3. 天津的景点英语




4. 天津著名景点的英文

 Nowdays more and more people choose to tour in Tianjin. it is easy to see that Tianjin becomes more attractive to the tourists. why this city becomes such popular tour place? The reson is convenient transportation and tradtional tour places.

  a lot people choose Tianjin for spending the short holiday. most them are from Beijing,now it just takes 30 mins to reach there, and there are lot of tradtional place to visit, also the countryside life is most popular way to be close to the nature.they can eat the most health and fresh food from the field, and drink the water in the well and hills.

  Tianjin is the best choice to tour.

5. 天津十大景点英文介绍

Tianjin cuisine places a heavy focus on seafood, due to Tianjin's proximity to the sea. Prominent menus include the Eight Great Bowls (八大碗), a combination of eight mainly meat dishes. It can be further classified into several varieties, including the rough (粗), smooth (S: 细 / T: 细), and high (高). The Four Great Stews (四大扒) refers actually to a very large number of stews, including chicken, duck, seafood, beef, and mutton.

Tianjin also has several famous snack items. Goubuli (狗不理包子) is a famous and traditional brand of baozi (steamed buns with filling) that is famous throughout China. Guifaxiang (桂发祥麻花) is a traditional brand of mahua (twisted dough sticks). Erduoyan (耳朵眼炸糕) is a traditional brand of fried rice cakes.

Tianjin cuisine is derived from the native cooking styles of the Tianjin region in China, and it is heavily influenced by Beijing cuisine, due to the proximity of the two megalopolises. Tianjin cuisine differs from Beijing cuisine in the following ways:

Tianjin cuisine is much more heavily concentrated on riverine fish/shrimps and seafoods due to its geographical location of on the coast.

For the same dish, the taste of Tianjin cuisine is not as heavy as that of Beijing cuisine, and this is often reflected in the lighter salty taste of Tianjin cuisine.

Though Beijing cuisine and Tianjin cuisine are both mainly salty in taste, in the cooking of Tianjin cuisine, sugar is required more frequently and resulting in the unique taste of Tianjin cuisine: there is a slight sweet taste in the salty taste.

Tianjin cuisine utilizes Mutton and lamb (food) more frequently due to the less frequently utilized pork in comparison to Beijing cuisine, and in the event of traditional holidays, Mutton / lamb (food) are nearly always prepared for holiday dishes.

A greater proportion of Tianjin cuisine is consisted of rice in comparison to Beijing cuisine.

The ways noodles are served in Tianjin cuisine is different than that of Beijing cuisine in that for Tianjin cuisine, the vegetables and meat are served separately in Beijing cuisine are together with the noodles in a single dish instead.

The most significant characteristic of Tianjin cuisine is perhaps its healthy breakfast diet in comparison to its neighboring cuisines: although Tianjin is right next to Beijing, the rate of cancers associated with diet is far less in Tianjin than Beijing and researchers discovered the main reason was in the difference of breakfast:

The main ingredients of breakfasts in Tianjin cuisine are tofu and soy milk, whereas a great number of the items in breakfasts of Beijing cuisine are fried, which resulted in contributing to the occurrence of cancer.[citation needed]

Another characteristic of Tianjin cuisine is its utilization of Tianjin preserved vegetable (天津冬菜), which is similar to the salt pickled vegetable, or yancai (腌菜) of Guizhou cuisine, but the former takes much longer to prepare than the latter, usually half a year. Another clear distinction between the two is that instead of having two separate steps of salt pickling and then fermentation, the salt pickling and fermentation is combined in a single step that takes a much longer time

Chinese cabbage is mixed with salt and garlic together and then fermented, which creates the unique garlic flavor / taste and golden color. In order to preserve the unique taste, Tianjin preserved vegetable is often used for soups, fishes, and stir fried and directly eaten.

6. 天津景点中英文对照

Tianjin television tower, taking both the word "tower-day", was built in 1991, 415.2 meters (second in Asia, the world's fourth), Songru sky, among the world's tower Lin. Tower Bridge Niegong days at ...

7. 天津景点的英文翻译介绍











全国各地的广播电视塔,一般都会成为当地的标志性建筑物,尤其是大城市的广播电视塔, 如上海的东方明珠广播电视塔、广州小蛮腰(广州新电视塔),天津的广播电视塔简称“天塔”,总高度415.2米, 为亚洲第六、中国第三高塔,是天津的标志性建筑物之一。











天津奥林匹克中心体育场是天津标志性的现代建筑物, 还是第29届奥运会足球预选赛赛场之一,昵称“水滴”。



8. 介绍天津五大道风景区的英文

天津五大道 Tianjin five Avenue注:avenue 英 [ˈævənju:] 美 [ˈævənu:] n. 大街; 林荫路; 途径,手段; 〈美〉(南北向)街道;


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