悉尼有啥好玩的地方吗 悉尼有啥好玩的地方吗英文

导读:悉尼有啥好玩的地方吗 悉尼有啥好玩的地方吗英文 1. 悉尼有啥好玩的地方吗英文 2. 悉尼有啥好玩的地方吗英文翻译 3. 悉尼有啥好玩的地方吗英文作文 4. 悉尼的景点有哪些用英语 5. 悉尼有哪些著名景点英文名 6. 悉尼的著名景点 英文 7. 悉尼有啥好玩的地方吗英文怎么说 8. 悉尼周边游玩好去处 9. 悉尼有什么旅游景点

1. 悉尼有啥好玩的地方吗英文

My friend and I went to Australia last summer.We did have a great time.First day,we went to Sydney Opera House.It was beautiful.There were many visitors.And then we visited Sydney Bridge.It was really long and grand.At the end of the day,we went to Sydney Harbour.I felt very happy.I ate some famous snacks.They were delicous.The second day,we went to a zoo.There were a lot of Australian animals,like koalas,giraffes and kangaroos.Koalas were the cutest.Giraffes were the tallest.And I saw something interesting.A mother kangaroo took a baby for a walk.What a good trip!

2. 悉尼有啥好玩的地方吗英文翻译


sydney City of Sydney Sydney City

3. 悉尼有啥好玩的地方吗英文作文

Sydney is the capital of New South Wales. It is located on the east coast of Australia. With a population of more than one million, Sydney is the most populous city in the country.

Sometimes, Sydney port is considered as one of the most beautiful ports in the world. Sydney is known as the "port city" in Australia. It itself, as well as the Sydney Opera House and the Sydney Harbour Bridge, are the world's recognized City symbols.

Sydney is a major domestic and international tourist destination. It is famous for its climate, famous beaches, culture and delicious food. Tourists also boast that Sydney's exquisite coarse wheat flour is one of the most distinctive and revolutionary Culinary Arts in the world.

In recent years, as the host city of the Olympic Games, Sydney has taken French cuisine style and fresh seafood as its host city Features, significantly enhance its global reputation. Sydney is a "beta" global city with significant regional, national and international influence

4. 悉尼的景点有哪些用英语


5. 悉尼有哪些著名景点英文名



6. 悉尼的著名景点 英文

The world famous Great Barrier Reef in Australia was listed in the list of world protected heritage as early as 1981.

The Great Barrier Reef, located in the coral sea of northeastern Australia, is the largest coral reef group in the world, stretching over 2000 kilometers.

There are not only the largest coral reefs and islands in the world, but also more than 400 kinds of marine mollusks and 1500 kinds of fish, many of which are endangered species in the world.

Beautiful Keynes is the only way to the Great Barrier Reef.





7. 悉尼有啥好玩的地方吗英文怎么说

“澳大利亚的首都是悉尼”英文表达,是:The capital of Australia is Sydney。

但是这个意思表达的 错误的,澳大利亚的首都是堪培拉(The capital of Australia is Canberra)。

“…的首都”译为:the capital of + 国家。


1、Beijing is the capital of China.


2、Kathmandu is the capital of Nepal.


8. 悉尼周边游玩好去处

悉尼远郊除了蓝山国家公园以外,大约2小时左右车程的周边地区,还有很多值得观看的景点和去处。悉尼的北部有库灵盖国家公园(Ku-Ring-Gai Chase National Park)、绵延曲折的中央海岸(Centre Coast)、爬虫动物公园(Australian Reptile Park)、纽卡素地区的猎人谷(Hunter Valley),以及斯蒂芬港的Nelson Bay;南部沿海王子公路(Princes Motorway)经皇家国家公园、蓝色海洋路(Sea Cliff Bridge)、重镇卧龙岗(Wollonggong)、袋鼠谷(Kangaroo Valley )以及凯马(Kiama)和迷人小镇Berry,都是自驾的必去之地。

9. 悉尼有什么旅游景点


杨开慧纪念馆是 湖南 省首批爱国主义教育基地和全国首批百家红色旅游经典景区之一,属国家4A级旅游景区。主要景观有杨开慧生平业绩陈列馆、烈士陵园、故居、杨公庙。




松雅湖湿地公园是 湖南 省现有国家级湿地公园中湿地面积最大的城市湿地公园。公园区划分为湿地保育区、恢复重建区、宣教展示区、休闲体验区和管理服务区共5个功能区。园内生物多样性极其丰富,其中包括国家一级重点保护植物2种,国家二级重点保护植物5种,国家二级重点保护的野生动物11种,另外,松雅湖国家湿地公园有不少 中国 与 日本 、 中国 与 澳大利亚 共同保护的候鸟,列入中日候鸟保护协定的有29种,列入中澳候鸟保护协定的有9种。


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