新疆英语景点介绍 新疆景点英文名称

导读:新疆英语景点介绍 新疆景点英文名称 1. 新疆景点英文名称 2. 新疆景点英文导游词 3. 新疆的景点英文 4. 新疆的英文名称 5. 介绍新疆美景的英文 6. 新疆旅游英文介绍

1. 新疆景点英文名称

My hometown can be beautiful,beautiful.

Spring,hang jiulong appered blossomed,waves scent waft home side,as long as a out we can smell osmanthus fragrance.Osmanthus tea,still can do it on the tree,and a the pick one,bask in hot weather on a few days and then put it in a jar put on five or six months,can make tea.

Summer,lotus leaf in the stream long,red petals unfold blossoms,inside have similar thing,like a bowl of bowl with small round economicsystem can eat.

Autumn,tree after fruit tree fruit,orange,orange...The oranges big and yellow,and also very sweet,orange too tasty beauty

The most beautiful be winter with snow drift,to air

2. 新疆景点英文导游词


3. 新疆的景点英文

喀纳斯湖:维吾尔族语“美丽富饶而神秘”的意思。 介绍:喀纳斯湖位于新疆维吾尔自治区布尔津县境北部,距县城150公里,是一个座落在阿尔泰深山密林中的高山湖泊“喀纳斯”蒙古语,意为“峡谷中的湖”。喀纳斯湖湖面海拔1374米,南北长24公里,平均宽约1.9公里,湖水最深188.5米,面积45.73平方公里。自然景观保护区总面积为5588平方公里。喀纳斯湖四周雪峰耸峙,绿坡墨林,艳花彩蝶,湖光山色,美不胜收。这里是我国唯一的南西伯利亚区系动植物分布区,生长有西伯利亚区系的落叶松、红松、云杉、冷杉等珍贵树种和众多的桦树林、已知有83科298属798种。有兽类39种,鸟类117种,两栖爬行类动物4种,湖中鱼类7种,昆虫类300多种。 英文名:Canus Water

4. 新疆的英文名称

新疆伊宁市,的英文是Yining City, Xinjiang

5. 介绍新疆美景的英文

Tianchi Lake


In the middle of Bogda Peak, 110 km (68miles) east of Urumqi, nestles Heavenly Lake.


Covering 4.9 square kilometers (1. 89 square miles),


this crescent-shaped lake deserves its name, Pearl of Heavenly Mountain (Tianshan Mountain).


With melted snow as its source, Heavenly Lake enjoys crystal water.


6. 新疆旅游英文介绍

羊肉串的英文:mutton shashlik

例:Mutton Shashlik is made up with lamb, and it's in a barbecue way, it doesn't taste greasy.



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