意大利旅游景点英文 - 意大利旅游英语

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1. 意大利旅游英语


2. 意大利旅游英语怎么说

“意大利”的英文是Italy,读作:英 ['ɪtəlɪ] 美 ['ɪtəlɪ]


Italy ['itəli]

意大利(南欧国家,首都罗马)[全称the Italian Republic 意大利共和国,意大利语 Italia]


They decided to swan around Italy this summer.


French troops negotiated the Alps and went on the road in Italy.


All the newspapers reported on the football match of France versus Italy.


Painting flourished in Italy in the fifteenth century.


Have you moved to Italy?



意大利共和国(意大利语:Repubblica Italiana),简称意大利(意大利语:Italia),是一个欧洲国家,主要由南欧的亚平宁半岛及两个位于地中海中的岛屿西西里岛与萨丁岛所组成。国土面积为301333平方公里,人口6002万。北方的阿尔卑斯山地区与法国、瑞士、奥地利以及斯洛文尼亚接壤,其领土还包围着两个微型国家——圣马力诺与梵蒂冈。



3. 意大利旅游英语视频

你好!意大利Italy 英['ɪtəlɪ] 美['ɪtəlɪ] n. 意大利(欧洲); [例句]In 1882 Germany, Austria, and Italy formed the Triple Alliance.1882年,德国、奥地利和意大利结成了三国同盟。

4. 意大利旅游英语作文结尾


而每个动词由于时态〔现在时,远过去时,过去时,将来,过去将来时,过去未完成时,条件式,虚拟式等)以及人称的不同而具有上百种形式. 所以时态较英语而言也要复杂很多,不是三言两语就能说得清楚的。




5. 意大利旅游英语可以吗

意大利的英文名ITALIA,位于欧洲西部,是世界发达国家,经济、科技、文化、旅游等对世界具有影响力,中世纪的文艺复兴推动力意 利以及世界社会经济的发展。


6. 意大利旅游英语作文


  Last week, I read a book about Italy .

  I was surprised. Italy has a strong historical connotation.

  Frist,there are many beautiful places in Italy.

  For instance, It contains the ancient city of Pompeii,(庞贝古城) which was destroyed by the eruption of Mount Vesuvius in AD 79, the famous Leaning Tower of Pisa,(比萨斜塔)and Florence(佛罗伦萨), the birthplace of the Renaissance. Venice,(威尼斯) a beautiful water city, Sicily(西西里岛), and the Colosseum,(古罗马竞技场) known as the eighth wonder of the world.

  In addition, Italy is one of the football Kingdoms.

  There are also many artists in Italy, such as Leonardo da Vinci,(达芬奇) Dante(但丁) and Michelangelo(米开朗琪罗).

  Milan fashion show is also very beautiful!!

  Besides, many of the world's luxury cars are made here.Like Maserati,(玛莎拉蒂) Ferrari,(法拉利) Rolls Royce(劳斯劳斯).

  I love Italy very much.How about you?

7. 意大利旅游英语字幕文本


8. 意大利旅游英语介绍

Rome,the capital city of Italy,owning a history of more than 2,500 years.Rome has a population of three million with an area of about 1500 square kilometers.Rome is constructed on seven massifs and it is the city of the biggest area and the most population in Italy,as well as the center of politics,history and culture.

At the same time,Rome is the birthplace of world civilization.Rome awfully looks like a giant open-air museum of history,owning the pantheon and so on world famous historical sites.Therefore,travellers will always want to stay here longer,such as the origin of the city's name.

9. 意大利旅游英语对话

Tom:Wow,how delicious it is! 哇,多么美味啊!

Zhang Ming:You mean this dish? 你在说这道菜吗?

Tom: Yeah,It's really delicious.What's this? 是啊,他简直是太美味了,这是什么?

Zhang ming: They are dumplings. Chinese people often eat them on New Year Eve.这是饺子,中国人常常在除夕吃饺子。

Tom:They are nice food,I think.它们是美味的食物,我认为。

Zhang Ming:Eh~I like dumplings the best.And which food do you like best?嗯~我最喜欢饺子。


Tom: I like beef,Italian noodls the best.But now I like dumplings!我最喜欢牛排和意大利面,但现在喜欢水饺了!应该够两分钟了,这可是我现编的呢,我原来挺喜欢写英语对话的,希望能帮到你O(∩_∩)O~有问题可以再问我哦~


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