意大利景点的英语介绍 意大利旅行英文介绍

导读:意大利景点的英语介绍 意大利旅行英文介绍 1. 意大利旅行英文介绍 2. 意大利旅游攻略英文 3. 意大利的旅游胜地英文介绍 4. 意大利旅游英语 5. 意大利旅游英文 6. 我们打算去意大利旅行的英文 7. 意大利旅行英文介绍带翻译 8. 意大利旅行英文介绍怎么写 9. 意大利风景介绍英文

1. 意大利旅行英文介绍


  Last week, I read a book about Italy .

  I was surprised. Italy has a strong historical connotation.

  Frist,there are many beautiful places in Italy.

  For instance, It contains the ancient city of Pompeii,(庞贝古城) which was destroyed by the eruption of Mount Vesuvius in AD 79, the famous Leaning Tower of Pisa,(比萨斜塔)and Florence(佛罗伦萨), the birthplace of the Renaissance. Venice,(威尼斯) a beautiful water city, Sicily(西西里岛), and the Colosseum,(古罗马竞技场) known as the eighth wonder of the world.

  In addition, Italy is one of the football Kingdoms.

  There are also many artists in Italy, such as Leonardo da Vinci,(达芬奇) Dante(但丁) and Michelangelo(米开朗琪罗).

  Milan fashion show is also very beautiful!!

  Besides, many of the world's luxury cars are made here.Like Maserati,(玛莎拉蒂) Ferrari,(法拉利) Rolls Royce(劳斯劳斯).

  I love Italy very much.How about you?

2. 意大利旅游攻略英文

是,意大利体在英文里面是Italics,意思是sloping writing(倾斜书写)。 也称作italic type ,是和roman type(罗马正体)相对的,罗马正体就是我们一般看到的方方正正的这种英文, 意大利体式向右倾斜的,但是真正的意大利体其实是偏向艺术字的类型,它的字母的尾部一般会变形,看起来比较好看,不过在windows系统下的意大利体实际上基本都是 oblique type ,是一种和罗马正体很接近的斜体,就是除了斜着写什么都没变。

3. 意大利的旅游胜地英文介绍

The Vatican City State, or Vatican for short, is an inland city-state in the highlands of the northwest corner of Rome, the capital of Italy. It is also the smallest country in the world with the smallest territory and the smallest population. Its territory area is only 0.44 square kilometers.


Because it is bordered by Italy on all sides, it is called "China". It is the center of Catholicism all over the world, the seat of the Holy See headed by the Pope, and the faith center of one sixth of the world's population.


The Vatican means "City of the Prophets". After the unification of Italy in 1870, the Pope was forced to retire to the Vatican Palace. In 1929, Italy signed the Lateran Treaty with the Pope, recognizing the Vatican as a sovereign state of unity of church and state. The Vatican is a neutral country whose territory is sacred and inviolable.


4. 意大利旅游英语


5. 意大利旅游英文

你好!意大利Italy 英['ɪtəlɪ] 美['ɪtəlɪ] n. 意大利(欧洲); [例句]In 1882 Germany, Austria, and Italy formed the Triple Alliance.1882年,德国、奥地利和意大利结成了三国同盟。

6. 我们打算去意大利旅行的英文

你好!意大利Italy 英['ɪtəlɪ] 美['ɪtəlɪ] n. 意大利(欧洲); [例句]In 1882 Germany, Austria, and Italy formed the Triple Alliance.1882年,德国、奥地利和意大利结成了三国同盟。

7. 意大利旅行英文介绍带翻译

去意 利,国内飞机约12个小时左右。具体的也要看你坐什么航班了。去意大利可以走定制旅行。记得我当时的线路是一个在当地生活了大半辈子的资深旅行达人,那次的线路可以说是完全区别于旅游团,当地经典景点挨个都玩得非常尽兴,关键是参观的时候我们都不用排队哦。

全程的手机导游不仅能在当地中文导航指路, 不懂语言都可以随时拍照发语音翻译的,我找的是青蛙之旅。

8. 意大利旅行英文介绍怎么写

Italian Xiangjian rib eye steak意式香煎肋眼牛排 Coke mud beef potato cake牛肉薯泥可乐饼 Pasta sauce意大利面酱汁Portuguese baked spaghetti sauce Beef葡汁牛柳焗意粉 Delicious meat string pasta美味串肉意大利面 Tomato pasta sauce西红柿酱汁意大利面 Beef balls pasta牛肉丸意大利面 Italy face cream peas奶油青豆意面

9. 意大利风景介绍英文



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