英国景点排名英 英国旅游景点排名前十英文

导读:英国景点排名英 英国旅游景点排名前十英文 1. 英国旅游景点排名前十英文 2. 英国有名景点英语 3. 英国景点排行榜前十名英文 4. 英国著名景点英文 5. 英国著名的景点英文 6. 英国著名景点英文名称 7. 英国十大景点英文 8. 英国著名景点的英语 9. 英国最著名的景点英文

1. 英国旅游景点排名前十英文

UK是大英帝国 ENGLAND是英国岛对应的还有苏格兰威而士 BRITAIN英国 UK包括英伦三岛 UK其实是BRITAIN加殖民地的总称,不过现在没有殖民地了 1.UK:UnitedKingdom联合王国---英语的缩写 2.England:英格兰--英语最大的一块,可以代表英语 3.Britain:大不列颠--英语所在二个岛屿之中最大的一个,可以代表英语 由此可见,2和3都是英国的一部分,更准确的应该是1. 英国的全称: TheUnitedKingdomofGreatBritainandNorthIreland 大不列颠和北爱尔兰联全王国 UK:UnitedKingdom联合王国 英格兰大不列颠 英国全名大不列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国 大不列颠岛(GreatBritain)是一个位于欧洲西方外海的岛屿,分为英格兰、苏格兰、威尔士三部分,以及周围一些小岛

2. 英国有名景点英语


2、侧重点不一样。Cock 是指公鸡,主要用在英国和爱尔兰,因此属于英式英语用词。除此之外,因为cock来自古英语,也就有更加丰富的含义。可以指"公鸡;水龙头;雄鸟;头目"这样的名词,也可以表示"竖起;耸立;朝上"等这样的动词。cock 是相对于hen母鸡而言的 更加侧重于性别。


4、Rooster 特指公鸡,多用于北美,澳大利亚和新西兰,也就是美式英语用词了。roost指的是"鸟窝;群栖的禽鸟;栖木",在动物界里,雄性动物常作为保护领地的"一家之主",所以rooster用来指代公鸡也就不难理解了。不过也因为公鸡一直昂首挺胸的,所以也有"狂妄自负的人"之意。

3. 英国景点排行榜前十名英文






4. 英国著名景点英文



中国 China CN 中华人民共和国 Peoples Republic of China

澳门 Macau CN 中国澳门特别行政区 Macau, Special Administrative Region of China

台湾 Taiwan CN 中国台湾 Taiwan, Province of China

香港 Hong Kong CN 中国香港特别行政区 Hong Kong, Special Administrative Region of China


法国 France FR 法兰西共和国 Republic of France


UK一般指英国,英文名称The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland简 称联合王国(United Kingdom)


日本 Japan JP 日本国 Japan


澳大利亚 Australia AU 澳大利亚联邦 Commonwealth of Australia


加拿大 Canada CA 加拿大 Canada


南非 South Africa ZA Republic of South Africa

5. 英国著名的景点英文

在英国叫西敏寺,即威斯敏斯特教堂,英文名为Westminster Abbey,一座位于伦敦市中心泰晤士河南岸的威斯敏斯特区的大型的哥特式的教堂。

西敏寺是欧洲最美的教堂之一, 成之后作为英国国王加冕典礼的场所,是英国的圣地。所以很多历史上杰出的伟人以及国王都安葬在此处,这里也因此被称为是“荣誉的塔尖”。很多王室成员还在这里举行婚礼,2011年威廉王子和凯特的婚礼就在这里举行。这也是轰动世界的一场婚礼。

6. 英国著名景点英文名称




7. 英国十大景点英文




8. 英国著名景点的英语

"游览一些名胜古迹"的英文: visited some places of interest

place 读法 英 [plejs] 美 [ples]

1、n. 地方;住所;座位

2、vt. 放置;任命;寄予

3、vi. 名列前茅;取得名次


The discussion took place in a famous villa on the lake's shore.



1、second place 第二名,亚军

2、take the place 代替

3、same place 老地方;同名点

4、right place 恰好地点;正当的场所

5、all over the place 到处







1、establish place确立地位

2、fill place继承职位

3、gain place获得位置

4、give place to让位给,由…继续下去,被…代替,给…机会

5、give up place放弃位置

9. 英国最著名的景点英文


1. 圣保罗大教堂 Sallo Paulo cathedral

A Cathedral dedicated to St Paul has overlooked the City of London since 604AD, a constant reminder to this great commercial centre of the importance of the spiritual side of life.

The current Cathedral – the fourth to occupy this site – was designed by the court architect Sir Christopher Wren and built between 1675 and 1710 after its predecessor was destroyed in the Great Fire of London. Its architectural and artistic importance reflect the determination of the five monarchs who oversaw its building that London’s leading church should be as beautiful and imposing as their private palaces.

Since the first service took place here in 1697. Wren's masterpiece has been where people and events of overwhelming importance to the country have been celebrated, mourned and commemorated.

Important services have included the funerals of Lord Nelson, the Duke of Wellington and Sir Winston Churchill; Jubilee celebrations for Queen Victoria; peace services marking the end of the First and Second World Wars; the launch of the Festival of Britain; the Service of Remembrance and Commemoration for the 11th September 2001: the 80th and 100th birthdays of Queen Elizabeth, the Queen Mother; the wedding of Charles, Prince of Wales, to Lady Diana Spencer and, most recently, the thanksgiving services for both the Golden Jubilee and 80th Birthday of Her Majesty the Queen.

Over the centuries, St Paul’s has changed to reflect shifting tastes and attitudes. Decoration has been added and removed, services have been updated, different areas have been put to new uses. Today, the history of the nation is written in the carved stone of its pillars and arches and is celebrated in its works of art and monuments.

2.London Eye 伦敦巨眼摩天轮

The London Eye (Millenium Wheel) at a height of 135 metres (443 ft), is the biggest Ferris wheel in Europe, and has become the most popular paid tourist attraction in the United Kingdom, visited by over 3 million people a year.

At the time it was erected it was the tallest Ferris wheel in the world, until it was surpassed by the Star of Nanchang (160m) in May 2006, and then the Singapore Flyer (165m) on February 11, 2008. However, it is still described by its operators as "the world's tallest cantilevered observation wheel" (because the entire structure is supported by an A-frame on one side only).]

The London Eye is located at the western end of Jubilee Gardens, on the South Bank of the River Thames in London, United Kingdom, between Westminster Bridge and Hungerford Bridge. The site is adjacent to that of the former Dome of Discovery, which was built for the Festival of Britain in 1951.

3.伦敦大桥 London Bridge

London Bridge is a bridge between the City of London and Southwark in London, England, over the River Thames. Situated between Cannon Street Railway Bridge and Tower Bridge, it forms the western end of the Pool of London. On the south side of the bridge are Southwark Cathedral and London Bridge station; on the north side are the Monument to the Great Fire of London and Monument tube station.

It was the only bridge over the Thames downstream from Kingston until Westminster Bridge opened in 1750.

The bridge carries part of the A3 road, which is maintained by the Greater London Authority; the bridge itself is owned and maintained by the Bridge House Estates ( see City Bridge Trust), an independent charity overseen by the City of London Corporation.


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