衡阳旅游景点英文介绍 岳阳的旅游景点英语介绍

导读:衡阳旅游景点英文介绍 岳阳的旅游景点英语介绍 1. 岳阳的旅游景点英语介绍 2. 岳阳景点的英文介绍 3. 关于岳阳的英文介绍 4. 介绍国外的风景名胜 英文 5. 岳阳楼导游词英语 6. 岳麓山景点的英文介绍 7. 英语介绍湖南景点 8. 湖南景点介绍英文 9. 旅游英语景点介绍英文对照 10. 湖南著名景点的英文介绍 11. 欣赏岳麓山的美景英语

1. 岳阳的旅游景点英语介绍


Dongtingxia world water, Yueyang world floor

2. 岳阳景点的英文介绍



3. 关于岳阳的英文介绍

君山岛英文介绍:JUN SHAN DAO

4. 介绍国外的风景名胜 英文

The old tower has a long history of 2000 years. 古塔有两千年的历史。

Egypt is an Arabian country with a long history. 埃及是一个具有悠久历史的阿拉伯国家。

The old town dates back to the late seventeenth century.这座古城建于十七世纪后期。

Sichuan Province is made up of a basin and some mountainous areas.四川省是由一个盆地和山区组成。

This area is covered with glrassland. 这个地区为草原所覆盖。

Hainan Province consists of Hainan Island and neighbouring isles as well as wide sea areas.海南省由海南岛和附近的小岛及广阔的海域组成。

There are quite a lot of places of interest in Xi’an, such as the Terracotta Warriors and Horses,the old City Wall and so on. 西安有许多名胜,比如兵马俑、古城墙等。

Beijing has many places of interest, among whith is the Forbidden City.北京有许多名胜,其中就有紫禁城。

Hangzhou is famous/well-known for its beautiful West Lake.杭州以它美丽的西湖而著名。

Tibet lies at an average of 4,000 metres above sea-level.西藏平均海拔4000公尺。

The beautiful town is located along the shore of the lake. 这个村子坐落在群山之中。

5. 岳阳楼导游词英语


Dongting Lake,or Lake Dongting (simplified Chinese:洞庭湖; pinyin:Dòngtíng Hú; Wade-Giles:Tung-t'ing Hu) is a large,shallow lake in northeastern Hunan Province of China.It is a flood-basin of the Yangtze River (Chang Jiang); hence the lake's size depends on the season.The provinces of Hubei and Hunan are named after their location relative to the lake:Hubei means "North of the Lake" and Hunan means "South of the Lake" in Chinese.

Dongting Lake is famous in Chinese culture as the place of origin of Dragon boat racing.It is the site of Junshan island,and is a home to the Finless Porpoise,which is endangered in China.


Yueyang Tower (simplified Chinese:岳阳楼; traditional Chinese:岳阳楼; pinyin:Yuèyáng Lóu) is an ancient Chinese tower in Yueyang,Hunan Province,on the shore of Lake Dongting.Alongside the Pavilion of Prince Teng and Yellow Crane Tower,it is one of the Three Great Towers of Jiangnan.


The history of Yueyang Tower dates from the Three Kingdoms Period,when Lu Su,commander in chief of the forces of Wu,was sent to the area to fortify it and train the fleet there.To ease the inspection and command of ships he constructed a tower near the strategic location where Lake Dongting joins the Yangtze River,from which the whole of Lake Dongting was visible.This inspection tower,then called the Ba Ling Tower after the nearby city of Ba Ling,was the first incarnation of Yueyang Tower.

6. 岳麓山景点的英文介绍

Changsha is rich in tourist resources because of its unique geographical location.Surrounding the city are the beautiful Yuelu MountainDawei Mountain and Weishan Mountainand the Xiangjiang River and Liuyang River flow across it.The Juzizhou scenic spot in the city is regarded as one of the eight most charming places in Hunan attracting both domestic and overseas visitors.

7. 英语介绍湖南景点

China has many different kinds of climate.In the southern part of China, the temperature changes very little between summer and winter. But the north central states have a very different kind of climate. In those countries , people wear light clothi ng during the summer, and they need heavy wool or fur clothing in the winter.

In the southwest, the climate is pleasantly warm during the winter, but the smnmer is unpleasantly hot.

In the eastern part of China, summer temperatures are very different from winter temperatures. Smnmers are usually hot, and winters are usually cold. Spring temperatures are comfortably warm, and fall temperatures are pleasantly cool.

Years ago, people in the cold parts of China didn’t often get fresh vegetables and fresh fruits during the winter. Today, however, trucks and trains carry fruits and vegetables very quickly to all parts of China. In this way, Chinese "send their chmates" to people in other states.

8. 湖南景点介绍英文

During a long vacation, I usually like to go to see the exhibits in one of a great many museums. Such as the art museum, the history museum, the museum of natural history, and the museum of science and technology.

  Many wonderful things are cared for in museums. There are paintings, potteries, sculptures, costumes, swords, ancient animal bones and plants, stuffed animals, antique steam locomotives, and many others.

  It is always a good review of history to visit those museums.

9. 旅游英语景点介绍英文对照

i'm glad to hear that you are coming to sichuan in august. you've made thewise choice to travel here. sichuan province is rich in tourist attractions and enjoys many world-famous places of interest, such as jiuzhaigou and dujiangyan irrigation project.

jiuzhaigou is well-known for its beautiful lake of which the water is clear and looks colourful. it can excite visitors' imagination.

another attraction is dujiangyan irrigation project. it was built over 2,000 years ago and it still plays an important part in irrigation today. besides, the nice weather andconvenient transportation here can make your trip more enjoyable. i'm sure you will have a good time.

10. 湖南著名景点的英文介绍

Spring is warm in chamgsha. It's not very cold.,people always wear a sweater or a coat. It' always rain. I don't like rainy days.

11. 欣赏岳麓山的美景英语

Where哪里 Who谁 what time、when什么时候

Draw a cat on the roof.在屋顶上画只猫。

roof 屋顶chimney 烟囱 tree 树

above 在……上面 in front of 在……前面

1. There is a cat on the roof.


2. Draw a bird above the chimney.


There is a bird above the chimney.


Don’t put your feet on the seat.不要把脚放在座位上。

café 咖啡店 rubbish bin 垃圾桶

a cup of tea 一杯茶 sugar 糖spill 洒出 seat 座位

Don’t put your hand in the rubbish bin. It’s dirty.


There’s a policeman near the post office.在邮局附近有一个警察。

road 马路 street 街道corner 拐角shopping centre

邮局outside 在……之外

Is there a policeman near the post office?


Yes, there is. 是的,有。

No, there isn’t. 不,没有。

Where were you, Mingming?你去哪里呢?

yesterday 昨天 today 今天sick 生病的

railway station 火车站

What day was it yesterday?


Yesterday was Sunday.


Where were you yesterday?


I was at home.


Who was first?谁是第一个?基数词、序数词

metre 米race 比赛sports 运动

Who was first? Peter was first.谁是第一名?彼特是第一名。

Who was second? Anne was second.

Who was third? Lingling was third.

Who was last? The rabbit was last.

购物中心post office

Was it in the wardrobe?它是在橱柜里吗?

a ring 一枚戒指near the sofa 在沙发附近beside a lamp 在灯旁边in the wardrobe 在衣柜里面on the television 在电视机上面on top of 在……顶部look for 寻找 Was it near the sofa?


Yes, it was.


No, it wasn’t.


When’s your birthday?你的生日是哪一天?

Month of the year

January February March

April May June

July August September

October November December

1. When’s your birthday?


It’s on the fifth of March.

It’s on the March 5th.


2. Children’s Day is on the first of June.


That’s not mine!那不是我的!

mine [main] 我的ours [‘auəz] 我们的yours [jɔ:z] 你的

his [hiz] 他的hers [hə:z] 她的theirs [ðɛəz] 他们的

Is this yours?


Yes, that’s mine.


No, that’s not mine.


Benny took my ball.贝尼拿走了我的球。

hit [hit] 击中naughty ['nɔ:ti] 顽皮的sorry ['sɔri] 对不起

What’s the matter?


Tony hit me.


Benny took my ball.


Where did you go?你去哪里?

enjoy 享受……乐趣 outing 出游Changsha Underwater World 长沙海底世界

Window of the World 世界之窗Yuelu Mountain 岳麓山Yuelu Academy 岳麓书院

Hunan Provincial Museum 湖南省博物馆

1. 你去了哪里?

Where did you go ?


I went to the zoo.

2. 你看到了什么?

What did you see?


I saw the monkey.

What time did you see him?你什么时候见过他?

strange 陌生的storeroom 仓库 television 电视机

What time did you see him?


I saw him at 9:30.


What time did you have dinner?

What time did you do homework?

What time did you go to bed?

I came by plane.我是坐飞机来的。

by bike by motorbike by car by taxi by train by subway

by plane by ship by bus on foot

How did you come here?


I came here by plane.


When is your country’s National Day?你的国家的国庆日是什么时候? Peter made a kite with paper and bamboo.皮特是用纸和竹子做风筝的。


( )1.—You have a nice coat.


A.Yes, it’s nice. B.Thank you. C.OK. D.You’re right.

( )2. -- _______ he like PE?

-- Yes,he _________.

A.Do; do B.Does;do C. Does ;does D. Do;does

( )4.—Where’s Helen?

--She __________ under the tree.

A.standing B.is sitting C.sits D.has

( )6.-- _____ in your box?

--Some fruits.

A.Who’s B.Where’s C.What’s D.Which is

( )7.I have some ______ in the bottle.

A.pineapple B.oranges C.grapes D.pears

Mr Brown lives in a nice house in a small town with his wife(妻子) , Mrs Brown. From Monday to Friday he works in an office near his house. He is free on Saturdays and Sundays. He has a nice garden beside his house. He likes growing flowers and he often works in the garden on Saturdays and Sundays. The flowers are very beautiful and Mrs Brown likes them very much. She often helps Mr Brown.

( )1. Mr Brown lives in _________with his wife.

A. a city B. a small town C. a big town

( )2. He works_________ days a week in his office.

A. four B. five C. six

( )3. He isn’t _________on Saturdays and Sundays.

A. free B. busy C. happy

( )4. He likes _________ on Saturdays and Sundays.

A. working in his garden B. walking in his gardon

C. looking at his garden

( )5. Mrs Brown _________ the flowers.

A. like B. doesn’t like C. often helps


( )1.A. behind B. building C. beside

( )2. A. past B. first C. face

( )3. A. listen B. lesson C. lessons


( )1.A. All right . B. No, I don’t. C.Yes, we do.

( )2. A. Yes , it’s old. B.Oh, how nice!


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