郑州的著名景点 郑州的著名景点介绍英文

导读:郑州的著名景点 郑州的著名景点介绍英文 1. 郑州的著名景点介绍英文 2. 郑州著名景点英文名称 3. 英语介绍郑州景点 4. 河南的景点英文 5. 郑州的旅游景点介绍 6. 河南著名景点英文 7. 用英语介绍郑州的名胜古迹 8. 郑州的著名景点介绍英文作文

1. 郑州的著名景点介绍英文

My hometown is in zhenzhou city china,There are a lot of people live here,It's a famous city.The people are very friendly.The climate here is very pleasant.

My hometown has different seasons,spring.summer.autumn and winter.I like the spring ,because flowers are very beautiful,the weather is very sunny,what a lovely spring days!i hate cold weather,

so i don't like winter.we have a lot of rain in autumn,this is my favoures seasons,in this seasons,we can see many different colors,i love the colors of the trees-red,gold,yellow and brown .fairly cool for this time of years!summer is always hot,It's quit muggy in summer.

My hometown has different food,the food is excellent and quit cheap ,It's doesn't pollute.In the restaurant,you can enjoy good service and delicious food .

welcome you to my hometown travel!

2. 郑州著名景点英文名称

郑州大玉米英文Oasis Center Building

3. 英语介绍郑州景点

My hometown

My hometown is in zhenzhou city china,There are a lot of people live here,It's a famous city.The people are very friendly.The climate here is very pleasant.

My hometown has different seasons,spring.summer.autumn and winter.I like the spring ,because flowers are very beautiful,the weather is very sunny,what a lovely spring days!i hate cold weather,

so i don't like winter.we have a lot of rain in autumn,this is my favoures seasons,in this seasons,we can see many different colors,i love the colors of the trees-red,gold,yellow and brown .fairly cool for this time of years!summer is always hot,It's quit muggy in summer.

My hometown has different food,the food is excellent and quit cheap ,It's doesn't pollute.In the restaurant,you can enjoy good service and delicious food .

welcome you to my hometown travel!

4. 河南的景点英文


5. 郑州的旅游景点介绍






5、康百万庄园: 康百万庄园,国家4A级旅游景区,全国重点文物保护单位,公元二十世纪六七十年代,与四川刘文彩庄园、山东牟二黑庄园,被称为全国三大庄园,位居三大庄园之首,被誉为豫商精神家园,中原古建典范。




9、古柏渡飞黄旅游区:千年来孤柏嘴作为黄河的渡口,等待着来往匆匆的路人,而今峰回路转,历 给予了他新的使命——国家南水北调中线总干渠上最关键的建筑——穿黄工程就横亘在这里!


6. 河南著名景点英文


7. 用英语介绍郑州的名胜古迹

Hengshan Mountain

Among all the famous mountains in China, Huangshan, located in the south of Anhui Province, may be the most famous one, originally named Yishan. In AD, it was renamed Huangshan for commemorating the legendary Yellow Emperor. Wuyue is the most important mountain range in China.

Mount Tai in Shandong, Huashan in Shaanxi and Hengshan in Shanxi are the most important mountains in China. It is said that Songshan Mountain in Henan Province and Hengshan Mountain in Hunan Province don't want to leave again after seeing Wuyue The Yangtze River and the Great Wall, Huangshan has become one of the great symbols of China. Huangshan is not only magnificent, but also rich in resources and animal species.

It is listed as the world natural and cultural heritage.



8. 郑州的著名景点介绍英文作文






阁内壁雕彩绘,阁顶还系一古钟,据说,这厚重沉稳的古钟始铸于明代,象征着国泰民安,原悬置于河南省焦作市武陟县乔庙历史上的“三官庙”中,1958年运于黄河大堤武陟县的詹店段上,用于筑堤防汛鸣警,之后失落在黄河南岸,现就悬挂在这“浮天阁”顶。古钟上面的铸字清晰地记载着为铸钟筹划资金的各村人名,钟上方铸有“国泰民安 风调雨顺”八字,钟中央铸有“大明国河南怀庆府武陟东三十五里乔家庙大钟”等字样。



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