
In 200, Yuan Shao amassed more than 100,000 troops and marched southwards on Xuchang in the name of rescuing the emperor. Cao Cao gathered 20,000 men in Guandu, a strategic point on the shore of the Yellow River. The two armies come to a standstill as neither side was able to make much progress. Cao Cao's lack of men did not allow him to make significant attacks, and the pride of Yuan Shao forced him to target Cao Cao's force head-on. Despite his overwhelming advantage in terms of manpower Yuan Shao was unable to make full use of his resources because of his indecisive leadership and Cao Cao's location.Besides the middle battleground of Guandu, two lines of battle were present. The eastern line with Yuan Tan of Yuan Shao's army versus Zang Ba of Cao Cao's army was a one-sided battle in favor of Cao Cao, as Yuan Tan's own questionable leadership was no match for Xang Ba's local knowledge of the landscape and hit-and-run tactics. To the western side, Yuan Shao's cousin, Gao Gan, performed much better against Cao Cao's army and forced several reinforcements from Cao Cao's main camp to maintain the western battle. Liu Bei, who was at the time a guest in Yuan Shao's army, also suggested to induce uprising in the back of Cao Cao's lands as there were many connections to the Yuan family and their subordinates. The tactic was successful at first, but quickly countered by Man Chong's diplomatic skill. Man Chong had been placed as an official there for this specific reason, as Cao Cao had foreseen the situation prior to the battle.Finally, with the help of a defector from Yuan Shao's army, Xu You, who informed Cao Cao of the location of Yuan Shao's army supply, Cao Cao broke the standstill and sent a special task force to burn all the supplies of Yuan Shao's army and won a decisive and seemingly impossible victory. Yuan Shao fell ill and died shortly after returning from the defeat, leaving his legacy to two of his sons – the eldest son, Yuan Tan and the youngest son, Yuan Shang. As he had designated the youngest son, Yuan Shang, as his successor, rather than the eldest as tradition dictated, the two brothers consistently feuded against each other, as they fought Cao Cao. Because of their internal divisions, Cao Cao was easily able to defeat them by using their differences to his advantage. Henceforth Cao Cao assumed effective rule over all of northern China. He sent armies further out and extended his control past the Great Wall into northern Korea, and southward to the Han River.However, Cao Cao's attempt to extend his domination south of the Yangtze River was unsuccessful. He received an initial great success when Liu Biao, ruler of Jing Zhou, died, and his successor, Liu Zong surrendered to Cao Cao without resistance. Delighted by this turn-out (Cao Cao, a devoted follower of Sun Tzu's Art of War, also considered defeating your enemy without battle to be the highest form of achievement of war) he pressed on and hoped the same would happen despite the objections by his military advisors. His forces were then defeated by the first coalition of his archrivals Liu Bei and Sun Quan (who later founded the kingdoms of Shu and Wu respectively) at the Red Cliffs in 208.

【音乐】 嵇康: 嵇康,字叔夜,本姓奚,祖籍会稽(今浙江绍兴),“竹林七贤”的领袖人物。三国时魏末诗人与音乐家,玄学家的代表人物之一。嵇康从小喜爱音乐,有极高的音乐天赋。他精于笛,妙于琴,善于音律。他创作的《长清》、《短清》、《长侧》、《短侧》四首琴曲被称为“嵇氏四弄”,是中国古代一组著名琴曲,与东汉的“蔡氏五弄”合称“九弄,尤其善于演奏《广陵散》。 嵇康对那些传世久远、名目堂皇的教条礼法不以为然,更深恶痛绝那些乌烟瘴气、尔谀我诈的官场仕途。他宁愿在洛阳城外做一个默默无闻而自由自在的打铁匠,也不愿与竖子们同流合污。他如痴如醉地追求着他心中崇高的人生境界:摆脱约束,释 人性,回归自然,享受悠闲。 【诗文】 杜甫(公元712--770),汉族,字子美,河南巩县(今郑州巩义)人,世称杜工部、杜拾遗,自号少陵野老,是我国唐代伟大的现实主义诗人,为国为民,英年早衰,诗圣,世界文化名人,与李白并称“李杜”。 杜甫善于运用古典诗歌的许多体制,并加以创造性地发展。他是新乐府诗体的开路人。他的乐府诗,促成了中唐时期新乐府运动的发展。他的五七古长篇,亦诗亦史,展开铺叙,而又着力于全篇的回旋往复,标志着我国诗歌艺术的高度成就。 【医药】 李时珍: 字东璧,号濒湖,湖北蕲州人,汉族。其父李言闻是当地名医。李时珍继承家学,尤其重视本草,并富有实践精神,肯于向劳动人民群众学习。在李时珍任职太医院前后的一段时期,经长时间准备之后,李时珍开始了《本草纲目》的写作。在编写过程中,他脚穿草鞋,身背药篓,带着学生和儿子建元,翻山越岭,访医采药,倾听了千万人的意见,参阅各种书籍800多种,历时27年,终于在他61岁那年(1578年)写成。 【兵法】 孙武 也就是孙子,出生于约公元前552年,字长卿,后人又尊称孙武子,齐国乐安人,汉族。公元前552年,即孔子出生的前一年,在齐国都城临淄以北的莒邑,诞生了一位伟大的军事家和军事理论家。他就是被后世并称为山东文武两圣人之一的武圣,也称“兵圣”——孙武。 春秋时期最优秀的统帅无疑是孙武,即使在世界上,他也是最伟大的军事理论家,我曾说过,只要《孙子兵法》存在,世界上一切伟大的兵书都只能是第二流的。《孙子兵法》是无与伦比的。孙武同样也擅长指挥,柏举之战就是中国战争史上灵活用兵,以少胜多的典型战役。 【思想家】 孔子(前551.9.28—前479.4.11)名丘,字仲尼,春秋鲁国人,汉族,生于鲁国陬邑昌平乡(今山东省曲阜市东南的鲁源村)。逝世后葬于曲阜城北泗水之上,即今日孔林所在地。 孔子对后世影响深远,他在世时已被誉为“天纵之圣”、“天之木铎”、“千古圣人”,是当时社会上最博学者之一,并且被后世尊为至圣(圣人之中的圣人)、万世师表。曾修《诗》、《书》,定《礼》 、《乐》,序《周易》,作《春秋》。孔子的思想及儒家学说对后世产生了极其深远的影响。 《论语》是儒家的经典著作,由孔子的弟子及再传弟子编纂而成,是一本记录孔子及其弟子言行的书。 在每个方面列举一些人物


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