墨西哥旅游景点英语介绍 澳大利亚景点英语介绍

导读:墨西哥旅游景点英语介绍 澳大利亚景点英语介绍 1. 澳大利亚景点英语介绍 2. 澳大利亚的风景名胜英文 3. 澳大利亚景点介绍英语和中文 4. 澳大利亚景点英文介绍 5. 澳大利亚旅游英语介绍

1. 澳大利亚景点英语介绍

Weather in Australia is totally different from China.if it's summer in China ,then it's winter in Australia .so please check the weather before you go there

2. 澳大利亚的风景名胜英文

澳大利亚城市"珀斯"的读音是pò sī。珀斯(英语:Perth)是澳大利亚西澳大利亚州的首府,也是澳大利亚第四大城市。据澳大利亚统计局,珀斯都会区的人口共有202万人(2014年),是澳大利亚第四大城市,人口增长率高于国家统计的平均水平。由于地处澳大利亚大陆西岸地中海气候地区,温和的气候与天鹅河(Swan River)沿岸的别致景色,使珀斯得以成为非常受欢迎的观光旅游目的地。一、历史沿革珀斯这个城市的名称来自苏格兰的同名城市。早在欧洲移民到来之前,土著居民已在斯旺河两岸定居很久了。

1697年荷兰探险家威廉·乌拉敏到印度洋东岸时,发现了一个河口,他沿河而上,发现河面上有许多别的地方所没有的黑天鹅,于是就把这条河定名为天鹅河(Swan River)。

但是荷兰人对在这里定居不感兴趣,直到1829年内英国詹姆斯·斯特林船长率领的移民,在离此不远的地方砍倒一棵树,祷祝了珀斯城的开创。1829年建城的柏斯刚开始时是自由屯垦殖民地──天鹅河殖民地(Swan River Colony)的首府。珀斯是由詹姆斯·史特灵(James Stirling)爵士所命名,并选择此作为新城镇。

史特灵是苏格兰航海家,与当时殖民地国务卿──乔治·墨瑞(George Murray)爵士的愿望一致,决议以墨瑞的出生地和他在英国下议院里,议会席位的所在地──珀斯郡(Perth Shire)命名为珀斯。二、地理环境珀斯位于南纬31度52分48秒,东经115度52分58秒。面积5,386平方公里,西澳占全国面积3分之1。 西面是浩瀚的印度洋,沿纬线西行7,350公里到达非洲海岸;东面是澳大利亚内陆地区。由于人口稀疏,有世界最孤独城市之称。(方圆1300英里无规模城市)由于地理位置的原因,珀斯和中国的北京时间没有时差。它和澳大利亚人口聚集的东部地区有两个小时的时差。(已取消夏令时)

3. 澳大利亚景点介绍英语和中文

The world famous Great Barrier Reef in Australia was listed in the list of world protected heritage as early as 1981.

The Great Barrier Reef, located in the coral sea of northeastern Australia, is the largest coral reef group in the world, stretching over 2000 kilometers.

There are not only the largest coral reefs and islands in the world, but also more than 400 kinds of marine mollusks and 1500 kinds of fish, many of which are endangered species in the world.

Beautiful Keynes is the only way to the Great Barrier Reef.





4. 澳大利亚景点英文介绍

Australia is a country in Oceania bordering the Indian Ocean and the Southern Pacific Ocean.

Australia is comprised of mainland Australia, the island of Tasmania, and several small islands in the Indian and Pacific Oceans.

The terrain is mostly low plateau with deserts. The government system is a federal parliamentary democracy and a commonwealth realm. The chief of state is the queen and the head of government is the prime minister.

Australia has a mixed economic system in which the economy includes a variety of private freedom, combined with centralized economic planning and government regulation. Australia is a member of Asian Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) and the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP).

5. 澳大利亚旅游英语介绍

Australian is a wonderful place with climate that suits everybody. It has many natural heritages, but cultural heritages are very limted. The most famous places are the Great Barrier Reef, the Sydney ...


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