
导读:重庆英文介绍旅游景点(重庆的旅游景点英文) 用英语介绍重庆大概两百字左右 求一篇英语作文(推荐外国友人到重庆旅游,从小吃,出行,住宿,景点几个方面来介绍) 介绍重庆的5句英语 怎么用英语介绍重庆?



Chongqing,is located in the ChangJiang river,the jialing river interchange,is southwest China industrial town in western China,is also the only central municipalities.She is the suspension from the UN hall,only the world map of one of China's four big cities marked.The city 82400 square kilometers and a population of President million.


Chongqing is cultural city with a long history.The 11th century B.C.,based on the Palestinian.The SongGuangZong in 1189,put in this first clinched the kingship over human beings,a self-described "double festival",chongqing hence the name.During the Anti-Japanese War,chongqing for national government capital in wartime.After the establishment of the People's Republic of China,chongqing in 1950 become central municipalities,in 1954 to sichuan municipalities,1983 become central economic state plan.March 1997,the eighth National People's Congress,the 5th session approved a central municipalities in chongqing.


My home is located in southwest China, surrounded by mountains, there are two river, the Yangtze River and Jialing River, which is the largest city in China with a total population of over thirty million. We are not only rich in natural resources in Chongqing, there are many world famous attractions, such as the Dazu Rock Carvings, the Three Gorges. Parks, squares and Riverside Road is a good place for leisure citizens. Chongqing hot pot is famous. We are Chongqing, transport facilities, to Chongqing, the best tourist season in the spring, neither cold nor hot. In recent years we Chongqing, Chongqing has changed dramatically, warm, friendly, hardworking, intelligent Chongqing determined to build their home more beautiful.



1、Chongqing is located in the southwest of the mainland of China, along the Yangtze river.


2、Chongqing is one of the four municipalities of the PRC, one of China's five  major cities, a GROUP URBAN made from a large city (Chongqing  Downtown),and six regional central city that population of over one million, and  25 other counties.


3、Chongqing is famous for its foggy weather in spring and winter days, which gives this city a nickname of "wu du", in English "foggy city".


4、The best time of Chongqing is spring and autumn.


5、The  world map hanging in the halls of the United Nations, marked only the names  of four cities in China, one of which is Chongqing.









Chongqing is one of the four municipalities of the PRC, one of China's five  major cities, a GROUP URBAN made from a large city (Chongqing  Downtown),and six regional central city that population of over one million, and  25 other counties. The upper Yangtze River economic and financial center,  inland export processing base and first area of expanding the opening , an  important modern manufacturing base in China, the industrialization of  scientific research base of the upper Yangtze River, central and western  regions development of circular economy demonstration areas, the State  high-tech industrial base, China's auto city, capital of motorcycles of China,  The upper Yangtze River shipping center, transportation hub in Southwest  China, Development of the Chinese government to implement the  development of western regions and countries, urban and rural comprehensive  reform pilot area, China's most well-being city. Long history, one of the second  batch of national historical and cultural city the State Council announced. The  world map hanging in the halls of the United Nations, marked only the names  of four cities in China, one of which is Chongqing.


重庆是中华人民共和国四个直辖市之一,中国五大中心城市之一,是一个由一座特大城市(重庆主城区) ,和六个人口超过百万的区域性中心城市,以及其他 25 个区县共同形成的一个组团式城市。长江上游地区经济中心和金融中心,内陆出口商品加工基地和扩大对外开放的先行区,中国重要的现代制造业基地,长江上游科研成果产业化基地,中西部地区发展循环经济示范区,国家高技术产业基地,中国汽车名城,中国摩托车之都,长江上游航运中心,西南地区交通枢纽,中国政府实行西部大开发的开发地区以及国家统筹城乡综合配套改革试验区,中国最具幸福感城市。历史悠久,国务院公布的第二批国家历史文化名城之一。悬挂在联合国大厅的世界地图上,仅仅标出了中国四个城市的名字,其中一个就是重庆。


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