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市内米特区西南缘挺立着勃兰登堡门, 是曾经作为柏林象征的凯旋门,建于1791年,全部用乳白色花岗岩筑成,门楼上耸立着用青铜铸造的胜利神像。勃兰登堡门东侧延伸着菩提树下大街,为长1.2千米,宽 60米的林荫大道,两旁宫殿林立,和现代化建筑群交相辉映。威廉大街由北往南穿过菩提树下大街,曾是希特勒政府活动中心。东为亚历山大广场,有新建的办公大楼,是原东柏林市政府所在地。旁有宏伟共和国宫,外表全部用巨型特制玻璃镶嵌而成,是原民主德国人民议院召开会议的大厦。勃兰登堡门西侧有过去的帝国大厦,已部分修复。往西蒂尔加滕区中耸立着1957年落成的议会大厦,是现代建筑的代表作之一,在此举行过上百个国际会议。该区西端为柏林动物园,建于1841年,饲养着许多珍贵动物,为世界最大的动物园之一。蒂尔加滕区西南延伸着库尔菲尔斯特达姆林荫大道,两旁现代化商店林立。柏林植物园 植物博物馆建于17世纪,原是皇家花园,第二次世界大战后重建。市区西部沿哈弗尔河分布着大片湖泊和森林,其北是奥林匹克体育场,1936年为举行第11届奥林匹克运动会专门修建,体育场周围有占地 100多公顷的游泳场、冰球场、网球场和赛马场。市内还有洪堡大学(建于1809 年)、自由大学 、艺术科学院、博物馆、图书馆及歌剧院等文化设施,文化事业发达。由于特殊的历史和宜人的景观,旅游业发达。


Berlin economic, and cultural undertakings were very developed. Vantage Berlin, surrounded by forests, lakes, rivers surrounded, as if immersed in a city in the ocean of green, from the south spree urban flow slowly. Alexander Plaza Tower, around Central to the modernization of hotels, shops, conference rooms, teachers Hall, and other large buildings, the magnificent vision, and aesthetically pleasing. Kool charges Christensen Dam 3 km long Commercial Street, shops, clothing stores, row upon row of the gallery. Famous bodhi tree Street, is Europe's most famous boulevard. Moreover, 10% of the white granite building Brandenburg Gate, the 800-year history of the church, the town hall, the island's oldest museum buildings, the "Crystal Palace" Republican Palace, Humboldt University, and others are very well-known. Charlotte Castle, the ancient distribution around the Egyptian Museum, antiques museum, prehistoric museum and the early application of Museum and other important cultural buildings, many of its collection of precious relics and works of art. William ancient emperor straight Memorial Church built octagonal side of the new church. 1957 completed silver, a clamshell-shaped roof to the conference hall is the representative of one of modern architecture.

City metres stand in the southwestern margin of the Brandenburg Gate, Berlin was once a symbol of the Arc de Triomphe, built in 1791, with all the white-granite building, with a gatehouse at the towering bronze statues cast victory. Brandenburg Gate in the east extension of the street under the bodhi tree for the 1.2 km long, 60 m wide boulevard flanked palace proliferation and modern buildings each other. William Street from the north south through the streets under the bodhi tree, he was Hitler Government Centre. East Alexandria Square, a new office building, the original location of East Berlin city government. Next to the magnificent Palace of the Republic, with all the appearance of glass mosaic from giant special, the original People's Chamber meeting building s. Brandenburg Gate in the west past the Empire State Building, has been partially restored. Western Dierjiateng areas beyond the 1957 completion of the parliament building, is representative of one of modern architecture, held in more than 100 international conferences. Berlin area for the western end of the zoo, built in 1841, keeping many precious animals, as one of the world's largest zoo. Dierjiateng District Kuerfeiershitedamu southwest extension of the boulevard, on both sides of modern open-air. Berlin botanical gardens and museums plants built in the 17th century, was originally the Royal Garden, after World War II reconstruction. Hafuer River along the western urban distribution of the large lakes and forests, the North is the Olympic Stadium, in 1936 for the 11th Olympic Games held specially built, the area around the stadium more than 100 hectares of the swimming pool, ice pitches, tennis courts and the racetrack. The city also Humboldt University (founded in 1809), Free University, the Academy of Arts, museums, libraries and cultural facilities such as the Opera House, and cultural undertakings developed. Because of its history and pleasant landscape, the tourism industry developed.

Famous attractions: the Berlin Central Station, Museum Island, and the German Chancellor House, Museum of Science and Technology of Germany, the German National Museum, Capitol, the Brandenburg Gate, on June 17th Street, bodhi tree under Main Street, Checkpoint Charlie, Berlin TV Tower, Potsdam Square, Wulin Square, St. Hedehuige Cathedral, Berlin Cathedral, Nikola district, Alexander Plaza, Berlin Zoo, Hou election Dili street, Jialuoteng Fort Palace, the Berlin Jewish Museum, East Berlin, West Berlin , Notre Dame teaching, City Hall, the Republic Palace, Emperor William Memorial Church, benevolent Hall




全程460公里,由德国中部延伸到南部。由维尔茨堡为起点,罗腾堡(最精华的段落,因保存完好的中世纪风情而名扬四方)、丁克尔斯比尔奥格斯堡慕尼黑、富森(新旧天鹅堡)。 特点:充满浪漫气氛的中世纪古堡、教堂、皇宫及半木制结构的房屋。











德国最高峰楚格峰,海拔2964米,坐落在德国慕尼黑及奥地利茵斯布鲁克之间的加米施-帕滕基兴。从加米施-帕滕基兴乘坐齿轨列车出发,约75分钟到达楚格峰平原(Zugspitzplatt)2600米的高度 ,再经历5分钟的冰河缆车即可抵达山顶。在山顶,您可以饱览一望无际的山脉全景,还可遥望到在奥地利、意大利、瑞士和德国境内的ALPS山峰。


推荐城市:柏林 汉堡 法兰克福 斯图加特 慕尼黑 德累斯顿 莱比锡 科隆 巴登·巴登





现在,汉堡是一个年轻、现代、令人喜爱的城市,也是向全世界开放的城市。无论在水域, 陆地还是在空中,对于它的游客来说,都是到了一座舒适的海滨城市。作为德国北部重镇,德国第二大城市,全国最大的港口城市。汉堡为其客人们提供了无与伦比丰盈的艺术与文化。世界级的音乐,奢华、舒适的剧院,种类繁多的旅店,出色的餐馆,丰富多彩的购物环境,充满刺激的夜生活和1200年悠久历史遗留下的大量历史古迹





慕尼黑- 伊萨尔河畔的雅典


德累斯顿 - 德国的佛罗伦萨




科 隆 - 香水之都

位于德国西部,莱茵河中游左岸,是德国著名的河港,历史悠久,公元前38年为罗马人所建,现在却是一个充满朝气的现代化都市。这里亦是古龙水(Eau de Cologne,意为科隆之水)的发祥地,世界著名的“4711”古龙水亦原产于此。

巴登·巴登 - 温泉胜地





Berlin Wall (柏林墙)

The Berlin Wall (German: Berliner Mauer) was a physical barrier separating West Berlin from the German Democratic Republic (GDR) (East Germany), including East Berlin. The longer inner German border demarcated the border between East and West Germany. Both borders came to symbolize the Iron Curtain between Western and Eastern Europe.

The wall separated East Germany from West Germany for more than a quarter-century, from the day construction began on August 13, 1961 until the Wall was opened on November 9, 1989.

During this period, at least 136 people were confirmed killed trying to cross the Wall into West Berlin, according to official figures. However, a prominent victims' group claims that more than 200 people were killed trying to flee from East to West Berlin. The East German government issued shooting orders to border guards dealing with defectors; such orders are not the same as shoot to kill orders which GDR officials denied ever issuing.

When the East German government announced on November 9, 1989, after several weeks of civil unrest, that all GDR citizens could visit West Germany and West Berlin, crowds of East Germans climbed onto and crossed the wall, joined by West Germans on the other side in a celebratory atmosphere. Over the next few weeks, parts of the wall were chipped away by a euphoric public and by souvenir hunters; industrial equipment was later used to remove almost all of the rest of it.

The fall of the Berlin Wall paved the way for German reunification, which was formally concluded on October 3, 1990.

Brandenburg Gate (勃兰登堡门)

Brandenburg Gate (German: Brandenburger Tor) is a former city gate and one of the main symbols of Berlin and Germany. It is located west of the city center at the intersection of Unter den Linden and Ebertstrasse, immediately west of the Pariser Platz. It is the only remaining gate of a series through which one formerly entered Berlin. One block to the north stands the Reichstag. The gate is the monumental entry to Unter den Linden, the renowned boulevard of linden trees which formerly led directly to the city palace of the Prussian monarchs. It was commissioned by King Frederick William II of Prussia as a sign of peace and built by Carl Gotthard Langhans from 1788 to 1791. The Brandenburg Gate was restored from 2000 to 2002 by the Stiftung Denkmalschutz Berlin (Berlin Monument Conservation Foundation). Today, it is considered one of Europe's most famous landmarks.

Berlin Attractions

Brandenburg Gate (勃兰登堡门)

One of Berlin's most photographed sites, the Brandenburg Gate was once the boundary between East and West Berlin. The Wall came down in 1989 and the gate - long a symbol of division - became the very epitome of German reunification.

The gate is the only remaining one of the 18 that once graced Berlin. It was designed by Carl Gotthard Langhans in 1791 in neoclassical style and crowned by an ornate sculpture representing the goddess Victory. She was spirited away to Paris in 1806 by Napoleon after his occupation of Berlin, and returned trimphantly in 1814, freed from the French by a gallant Prussian general. Political groups from various ideological corners hijacked the pliable Brandenburg Gate as the backdrop for their rallies and processions until 1961, when the wall was built and the gate sealed off in no-man's-land. In 1989, after the dissolution of the border, the area was reopened to the public.

Today, traffic passes freely under the gate and enterprising scammers have long been selling hunks of Berlin Wall concrete, most of dubious authenticity. If the Berlin Wall was ever reconstructed from the fragments sold to tourists it could probably enclose the whole of Germany.

In October 2002 the Gate was reopened after two years of restoration. If you need some time out, sit and contemplate peace in the Raum der Stille (Room of Silence) in the gate's north wing.

Potsdamer Platz (波茨坦广场)

Potsdamer Platz is an important public square and traffic intersection in the centre of Berlin, Germany, lying about one kilometre south of the Brandenburg Gate and the Reichstag (German Parliament Building), and close to the southeast corner of the Tiergarten park. It is named after the city of Potsdam, some 25 km to the south west, and marks the point where the old road from Potsdam passed through the city wall of Berlin at the Potsdam Gate. After developing within the space of little over a century from an intersection of rural thoroughfares into the most bustling traffic intersection in Europe, it was totally laid waste during World War II and then left desolate during the Cold War era when the Berlin Wall bisected its former location, but since the fall of the Wall it has risen again as a glittering new heart for the city and the most visible symbol of the new Berlin.


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