法国景点法语介绍 法国旅游景点英语介绍

导读:法国景点法语介绍 法国旅游景点英语介绍 1. 法国旅游景点英语介绍 2. 法国景点介绍7大景点英文 3. 法国旅游景点英语介绍大全 4. 法国的景点介绍英文 5. 法国的著名景点英文介绍 6. 法国著名景点介绍 英文翻译 7. 法国十大景点介绍英语 8. 法国旅游介绍英文 9. 法国旅游景点英语介绍带翻译

1. 法国旅游景点英语介绍

也称为大号,俗称为土巴号法国号是中音铜管乐器,外型是长管盘成的圆圈型,尾部则扩大成漏斗状的喇叭口的乐器。其音域比小号低,在铜管乐器中是音域最广的,它也是木管与弦乐音色的桥梁。法国号是移调乐器,一般定在F调,其音色温和、淳厚而高雅,而泛音也是所有乐器中最多的。法国号有三个活瓣。吹奏时用左手食指、中指、无名指案活瓣,右手协助支持乐器。大多以高音谱号记谱,有时也会采用低音谱号。 也称为大号,俗称为土巴号,兼有小号及长号二者的特点,它不是移调乐器,以F调为基调。



2. 法国景点介绍7大景点英文

France is the third largest country in Europe and the largest in Western Europe. France has become one of the European powers since the end of the Middle Ages.

It reached the heyday of feudal society during the reign of Louis XIV in the 17th to 18th centuries.

In the long history, the country has cultivated many famous writers and scholars who have a profound influence on human development Thinkers, in addition to having the world's fourth-largest world heritage.

3. 法国旅游景点英语介绍大全

French复数为French,French意思为“法国人、法国、法语”,它可作单数也可作复数,本身是没有复数形式的,例如:“All the staff are French. ”(所有员工都是法国人

法国人的复数用英语可以表示为the French或Frenchmen。下面来介绍一下French和Frenchman这两个词:


French既可以是形容词,也可以是名词。当其为形容词时,它的意思是“法国的;法国人的;法语的”。当其为名词时,意思是“法语”。通常用the French来表示“(总称)法国人”。


Two-thirds of the French are in favour of limiting foreign imports into Europe.


The villagers spoke French.





Look! There are three Frenchmen under the tree.


4. 法国的景点介绍英文

Located on the North Bank of the Seine River in the centre of Paris, the Louvre is the first of the four major museums in the world. Founded in 1204, it was originally a French palace. It has lived in 50 French kings and queens.

It is one of the most precious buildings in the French Renaissance. It is famous for its rich collection of classical paintings and sculptures.

Now the Louvre Museum covers an area of about 198 hectares. It is divided into old and new parts. The pyramid glass entrance in front of the Museum covers an area of 24 hectares.

It was designed by the Chinese architect I. M. Pei. On August 10, 1793, the Louvre Museum of Art was officially opened to the public as a museum.

5. 法国的著名景点英文介绍

法国的地理位置英语geography of france

法兰西共和国,通称法国,是本土位于西欧并具有海外大区及领地的主权国家,自法兰西第五共和国建立以来实行单一制与半总统制,首都为欧洲大陆最大的文化与金融中心巴黎。该国本土由地中海一直延伸至英吉利海峡及北海,并由莱茵河一直延伸至大西洋,整体呈六角状。海外领土包括南美洲的法属圭亚 及分布于大西洋、太平洋和印度洋的诸岛屿。

6. 法国著名景点介绍 英文翻译







7. 法国十大景点介绍英语


。 Paris is France's political, economic, cultural and transportation center, the Louvre Museum and Notre Dame de Paris, known around the world, known as the Champs-Elysees Avenue, the world's most beautiful, its ground and underground traffic extending in all directions, very convenient, daily traffic reached 13 million people. Paris landmarks - the Eiffel Tower like a steel giant stands tall on the Seine River in the quiet.

8. 法国旅游介绍英文



  3.我多么想, 我们在巴黎埃菲尔铁塔相遇, 在威尼斯叹息桥下许下誓言, 在凡尔赛宫举行婚礼, 在安道尔城过静谧的生活。 如果我的一生是一场旅行, 我多么希望和你如此领略这样的风景,...


  5.一个家具店的老板在巴黎旅游,邂逅一为美女。老板担心自己的英语不佳,便拿出一张纸,画了一个吧台。女郎看懂了,两人一起喝了酒。 老板又画了对男女在跳舞,于是两人尽兴的跳了舞。...


9. 法国旅游景点英语介绍带翻译


1 January New Year's Day (Jour de l'an)

1 May Labor Day (Fête du premier mai)

8 May WWII Victory Day (Fête de la Victoire 1945; Fête du huitième mai)

14 July Bastille Day (Fête nationale)

15 August Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary (Assomption)

1 November All Saints Day (La Toussaint)

11 November Armistice Day (Jour d'armistice)

25 Dec ember Christmas Day (Noël)

26 December 2nd Day of Christmas (in Alsace and Lorraine only)


Feast 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012

Good Friday* 6 April 21 March 10 April 2 April 22 April 6 April

Easter (Pâques) 8 April 23 March 12 April 4 April 24 April 8 April

Easter Monday 9 April 24 March 13 April 5 April 25 April 9 April

Ascension (l'Ascencion) 17 May 1 May 21 May 13 May 2 June 17 May

Pentecost (la Pentecôte) 27 May 11 May 31 May 23 May 12 June 27 May

Whit Monday 28 May 12 May 1 June 24 May 13 June 28 May


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