
导读:纽芬兰和拉布拉多省旅游景点「布拉格著名景点」 加拿大各大省份名字 急需加拿大纽芬兰省的中英文介绍(只一天) 加拿大海洋四省是什么样的四个省份,跟我来




2、不列颠哥伦比亚省(英语:British Columbia,法语:Colombie-Britannique,加入年份:1871年)


4、纽芬兰与拉布拉多省(英语:Newfoundland and Labrador,法语:Terre-Neuve-et-Labrador,加入年份:1949年)

5、新不伦瑞克省(英语:New Brunswick,法语:Nouveau-Brunswick,加入年份:1867年)

6、新斯科舍省(英语:Nova Scotia,法语:Nouvelle-Écosse,加入年份:1867年)


8、爱德华王子岛省(英语:Prince Edward Island,法语:Île-du-Prince-Édouard,加入年份:1873年)







不列颠哥伦比亚省(英语:British Columbia 法语:Colombie-Britannique)是加拿大西部的一个省,又称BC省、卑诗省,是加拿大四大省之一,该省南与美国华盛顿州、爱达荷州及蒙大拿州接壤,是加拿大通往亚太地区的门户。


曼尼托巴省(简称曼省),是加拿大中南部的一个省、一级行政单位。“曼尼托巴”在原住民语中意为“精神所在之处(a place where spirit lives)”,以“加拿大的阳光之都”而闻名。曼尼托巴省下辖10个城市,省会为温尼伯


纽芬兰与拉布拉多省(Newfoundland Labrador),简称纽芬兰省或纽省,也叫NL省,位于加拿大东北角,包括纽芬兰和拉布拉多两部分。于1949年4月1日正式成为成为加拿大一个省,第十个省(加拿大包括十个省和三个地区),因此被称为加拿大最年轻的省。


新不伦瑞克省(英语:New Brunswick;法语:Nouveau-Brunswick)居加拿大3大沿海省份之首,也是加拿大绿色的沿海省。北临沙勒尔湾(Chaleurs Bay),

东以圣劳伦斯湾(Gulf of St. Lawrence)和诺森伯兰海峡(Northumberland Strailt)为界,南边一直到芬迪湾(the Bay of Fundy)。该省的西部与美国的缅因州接壤,西北部则和魁北克省毗邻。总面积73,440平方公里,大致呈长方形,东西相距242公里,南北相距322公里。








急需加拿大纽芬兰省的中 英文介绍(只一天)

纽芬兰与拉布拉多(英语:Newfoundland and Labrador,法语:Terre-Neuve-et-Labrador)是加拿大东部的一个省,包括纽芬兰岛和附近岛屿以及拉布拉多的主要陆地和附属岛屿。纽芬兰与拉布拉多省於1949年3月31日加入加拿大联邦,是加入联邦的最后一个省份。在1949年,这个省份以「纽芬兰」的名称加入联邦。但从1964年起,省政府开始称呼自己为「纽芬兰与拉布拉多」政府。加拿大政府於2001年12月6日修改宪法,将省份的名字正式由「纽芬兰」转为「纽芬兰与拉布拉多」。



Newfoundland and Labrador (French: Terre-Neuve-et-Labrador) is a province of Canada, the tenth to join the Confederation. Geographically, the province consists of the island of Newfoundland and the mainland Labrador, on Canada's Atlantic coast. On entry into Canada in 1949, the entire province was known as Newfoundland, but since 1964, the province's government has referred to itself as the "Government of Newfoundland and Labrador", and on December 6, 2001, an amendment was made to the Constitution of Canada to change the province's official name to "Newfoundland and Labrador". In general day-to-day conversation, however, Canadians still erroneously refer to the province as a whole by the shorter name Newfoundland, while the Labrador region of the province is usually properly referred to as simply Labrador.

While the name "Newfoundland" is derived from English as "New Found Land", Labrador is named after Portuguese explorer João Fernandes Lavrador.

The province's population is 509,677. People from Newfoundland are called "Newfoundlanders" (and at times "Newfies", though this can be seen as a pejorative) while people from Labrador are called "Labradorians". Newfoundland has its own dialects of the English, French, and Irish Gaelic languages. The English dialect in Labrador shares much with Newfoundland. Furthermore, Labrador has its own dialects of Innu-aimun and Inuktitut.

Colony of Newfoundland

Newfoundland has a number of historical firsts. The oldest known settlement anywhere in The Americas built by Europeans is located at L'Anse aux Meadows, Newfoundland. It was founded circa 1000 A.D. by Leif Ericson's Vikings. Remnants and artifacts of the occupation can still be seen at L'Anse aux Meadows, now a UNESCO World Heritage Site. The island was inhabited by the Beothuks and later the Mi'kmaq.

John Cabot became the first European since the Vikings to discover Newfoundland (but see João Vaz Corte-Real), landing at Bonavista on June 24, 1497. On August 5, 1583, Sir Humphrey Gilbert formally claimed Newfoundland as England's first overseas colony under Royal Prerogative of Queen Elizabeth I.

From 1610 to 1728, Proprietary Governors were appointed to establish colonial settlements on the island. John Guy was governor of the first settlement at Cuper's Cove. Other settlements were Bristol's Hope, Renews, South Falkland and Ava lon which became a province in 1623. The first governor given jurisdiction over all of Newfoundland was Sir David Kirke in 1638. The island of Newfoundland was nearly conquered by New France explorer Pierre Le Moyne d'Iberville in the 1690s.

Newfoundland received a colonial assembly in 1832, which was and still is referred to as the House of Assembly, after a fight led by reformers William Carson, Patrick Morris and John Kent. The new government was unstable and divided along sectarian lines between the Catholic and Protestant populations of the colony. In 1842, the elected House of Assembly was amalgamated with the appointed Legislative Council. This was changed back in 1848 to two separate chambers. After this, a movement for responsible government began.

In 1854, Newfoundland was granted responsible government by the British government. In an 1855 election, Philip Francis Little, a native of Prince Edward Island, won a majority over Sir Hugh Hoyles and the Conservatives. Little formed the first administration from 1855 to 1858. Newfoundland rejected confederation with Canada in the 1869 general election.

As part of the Anglo-French Entente Cordiale of 1904, France abandoned the `French Shore', or the west coast of the island, to which it had had rights since the Peace of Utrecht of 1713. Possession of Labrador was disputed by Quebec and Newfoundland until 1927, when the British privy council demarcated the western boundary, enlarged Labrador's land area, and confirmed Newfoundland's title to it.

Newfoundland remained a colony until acquiring dominion status on September 26, 1907, along with New Zealand. It successfully negotiated a trade agreement with the United States but the British government blocked it after objections from Canada. The Dominion of Newfoundland reached its golden age under Prime Minister Sir Robert Bond of the Liberal Party.

In 1934, the Dominion gave up its self-governing status as the Commission of Government took its place. Following World War II, the Commission held elections for the Newfoundland National Convention which debated the dominion's future in 1946 and 1947. Two referenda resulted in which Newfoundlanders decided to end the commission[1], and joined the Canadian Confederation in 1949.

In 1946, an election was held for the Newfoundland National Convention to decide the future of Newfoundland. The mechanism of the Convention was established by the British Government to make recommendations as to the constitutional options to be presented to the people of Newfoundland to be voted upon in a national referendum. Many members only wished to decide between continuing the Commission of Government or restoring Responsible Government. Joseph R. Smallwood, the leader of the confederates, moved that a third option of confederation with Canada should be included. His motion was defeated by the convention. But he did not give up, instead gathering more than 50,000 petitions from the people within a fortnight which he sent to London through the Governor. The United Kingdom, having already insisted that if Newfoundland chose Confederation or a return to Responsible Government, it would not give Newfoundland any further financial assistance, added the third option of having Newfoundland join Canada to the ballot. The option of joining the United States was not offered. After much debate, the first referendum was held on June 3, 1948 to decide between continuing with the Commission of Government, returning to Responsible Government, or joining the Canadian Confederation. The result was inconclusive, with 44.6% supporting the restoration of Responsible Government, 41.1% for confederation with Canada, and 14.3% for continuing the Commission of Government. No option had won a clear majority; so under the rules of the referendum, the option which won the fewest votes was dropped and a new run-off referendum was scheduled for late July 1948. Between the first and second referendums, rumours were spread that Roman Catholics had been instructed to vote by their bishops fo r Responsible Government. (This was not accurate; on the west coast of Newfoundland, in the Roman Catholic Diocese of St. George's, Bishop Michael O'Reilly and his congregation were strong supporters of confederation.) Prompted by the Confederate Association, the Orange Order was incensed and called on all its members to vote for confederation. The Protestants of Newfoundland outnumbered the Catholics at a ratio of 2:1. This was believed to have greatly influenced the outcome of the second referendum. A second referendum on July 22, 1948, which asked Newfoundlanders to choose between confederation and dominion status, was decided by a vote of 52% to 48% for confederation with Canada. Newfoundland joined Canada (just before the expiry) on March 31, 1949.

Not everyone was satisfied with the results, however. Peter Cashin, an outspoken anti-Confederate, questioned the validity of the votes. He claimed that it was the 'unholy union between London and Ottawa' that brought about confederation.

In 1959, a local controversy arose when the provincial government pressured the Moravian Church to abandon its mission station at Hebron, Labrador, resulting in the relocation southward of the area's Inuit population, who had lived there since the mission was established in 1831.


新不伦瑞克省,New Brunswick,简称NB省。加拿大唯一的英法双语省。

新斯科舍省,也译成“诺瓦斯高沙”省,Nova Scotia,简称NS省。首府哈利法克斯是加拿大海洋四省最大的城市,也是加拿大大西洋地区的交通枢纽。

爱德华王子岛省,Prince Edward Island,简称PEI省。加拿大最小的省,以农业旅游业为主。

纽芬兰和拉布拉多省,Newfoundland and Laborador省,简称NL省。加拿大最东边的省,纽芬兰岛上自然风光非常漂亮。


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