教育焦点 | “橄”于挑战,越挫越勇,永不言败的桑庐宝贝们



In Britain's favourite sport, football was takes the first place and Rugby was takes the second place. Rugby is a very popular sport in a private school in England. We're all familiar with football, but what do you know about Rugby?


A lot of people think that rugby is a rough game of jostling and bumping into each other. They think rugby is dangerous and afraid of children will getting hurt. In fact, children playing rugby is not as fierce as they imagined, therefore the children in Sang Lu kindergarten came to the playground for rugby class .


Because of the rugby has many physical and mental development benefits, now is the best time to has the physically active in the fall. So this semester, our kindergarten prepares a fun rugby class for children.


In the course of rugby in Sang Lu, team-oriented games and non-dangerous interactive games will be adopted as the main teaching method, and small confrontational games will be integrated. Learning basic movements, passing and catching in situ and moving, basic movement routes, basic defensive posture training, etc., cultivate their good habits of sports, enlightenment children team cooperation consciousness and the executive ability of the team discipline, establish a correct concept of winning or losing, while increasing the body coordination skills and quick reaction capability, continue to improve the body quality.

桑庐的小朋友们在橄榄球特色课中的素质训练可以提升孩子各方面能力,增强身体素质,提升孩子的体能,同时橄榄球是一项团队协作的运动,孩子一起玩橄榄球会懂得团队协作,一起去赢得比赛胜利,相互配合、相互理解 、相互帮助。

The training of the children in the rugby class can improve the children's abilities in all aspects, Enhance physical quality, improve the physical fitness of children. Rugby is a team sport as well, the children play rugby will know the team cooperation, go win the game together, cooperate with each other, understand each other, help each other.



1. 对运动和环境表示关心。在大自然中亲身近距离地观察动作,感受乐趣,也是探索万物、认识世界的绝佳机会。

1. Show concern for sports and the environment. It is also a great opportunity to explore and learn about the world.

2. 能谈论自己观察到的一些事物,比如橄榄球、操场和发现的物体。

2.Children can talk about things they observe, like rugby, playgrounds, and things they find.

3. 对他们熟悉的世界的方方面面进行评论和提问,如他们生活的地方或自然世界。

3.Comments and asks questions about aspects of their familiar world, such as the place where they live or the natural world.


4.Children can find their true selves in training, running. They can releasing their energy in rugby.



1.It can help children better understand the British culture and feel the charm of rugby.


2.Children nurture the team honor by passing and interacting.


3. Build relationships: Explain your knowledge and understanding, and ask the right questions.

4. 自信和自觉:自信地向他人讲述自己的需求、意愿、兴趣和想法。

4. Be confident and self-aware: Speak confidently about your needs, desires, interests, and ideas.

5. 自信和自觉:在游戏时能自信地与其他儿童交谈,且能自如地谈论自己的家庭和社区。

5. Confident and self-aware: speaks confidently to other children while playing, and feels comfortable talking about his family and community.


1. 通过运动来交流想法,解释正在发生的事情,预测接下来可能发生的事情,以及回忆并重温过去的经历。

1. Use movement to communicate ideas, explain what's happening, predict what might happen next, and recall and relive past experiences.

2. 对事情发生的原因提出疑问并给出解释。

2. Ask questions and explain why things happen.



1.For children, in the course of the game, how to protect the bal land protect themselves,the brain need to think quickly while running.


2. Able to show good control and coordination ability in various activities; able to develop self-confidence and act in various ways in the environment provided; able to deal with various equipment and tools effectively.


3. Be able to do proper physical exercise for children, pay close

attention to their physical health and a balanced nutrition diet, and train children to do basic personal hygiene independently and manage their personal needs.




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