广州景点翻译 广州景点的英文

导读:广州景点翻译 广州景点的英文 1. 广州景点的英文 2. 广州景点的英文介绍 3. 广州景点的英文介绍简短 4. 广州景点的英文介绍加图片 5. 广州景点的英文翻译 6. 广州景点的英文对话 7. 广州景点的英文怎么写 8. 广州景点的英文作文 9. 广州景点的英文名

1. 广州景点的英文


1、广州塔(英语:Canton Tower)又称广州新电视塔,昵称小蛮腰。位于广州市海珠区(艺洲岛)赤岗塔附近,距离珠江南岸125米,与珠江新城、花城广场、海心沙岛隔江相望。广州塔塔身主体高454米,天线桅杆高146米,总高度600米。是中国第一高塔,世界第二高塔,仅次于东京晴空塔,是国家AAAA级旅游景区。



2. 广州景点的英文介绍


Guangzhou is a city in the south of China. It's hot in summer but it's not very cold in winter. Guangzhou has a long history.It's thefamousfor theStatue(雕塑)ofFive Goats(五羊).There is a beautiful river across this city--The Pearly River(珠江) Many people say"Eating in Guangzhou" Because Guangzhou dimsum(点心)is very famous. And we can eat Guangdong dimsum anywhere.I like Guangzhou very much. Do you like Guangzhou?

3. 广州景点的英文介绍简短

Last week, I have three days off, so I planned to travel to Guangzhou. During the three days, I witnessed so many things, I open my vision and gain the knowledge. The trip to Guangzhou makes me realize that I could go to anywhere by my own

4. 广州景点的英文介绍加图片

GuangZhou ia a modern city with a long history.The weather of this city is comfortable.And it has many famous sights for people to deeply know about the history of GuangZhou.

5. 广州景点的英文翻译

长隆欢乐世界的英文名是:CHIMELONG PARADISE长隆欢乐世界是长隆集团世界级旅游王国中一颗新的明珠,位于中国首批5A级旅游景区长隆旅游度假区的中心位置,是集乘骑游乐、特技剧场、巡游表演、生态休闲、特色餐饮、主题商店、综合服务于一体,具国际先进技术和管理水平的超大型世界顶尖主题游乐园。长隆欢乐世界共有八大主题区域,分别是旋风岛、尖叫地带、哈比儿童王国、开心乐园、彩虹湾、欢乐水世界、幻影天地、演艺。最特色的是U型滑板、垂直过山车。

6. 广州景点的英文对话

Welcome to guang zhou.Welcome to me Family.good morning.Today and me with ate lunch.Are you like ate chicken.Can you and me shopping banana and orange in tonight.Are you Ok.

7. 广州景点的英文怎么写

景点名称左右作对应云山叠翠 Baiyun Mountain 珠水夜韵 The Pearl River越秀新晖 Yuexiu Park 天河飘绢 The Waterfall In Dongzhan Plaza古祠留芳 Chen Clan Academy 黄花皓月 Huanghuagang Mausoleum of 72 Martyrs五环晨曦 Guangdong Olympic Sports Center 莲峰观海 Lotus Mountain

8. 广州景点的英文作文

Welcome to come to Guangzhou, Guangzhou is lively and the beautifulcity.

9. 广州景点的英文名

Guangzhou is a beautiful city. It is a famous city in China. People are very kind and friendly.In the park, there a re many beautilul flowers and trees. Guangzhou is a good place.The street is very clean and tidy.The air is very fresh and claen. I like guangzhou.


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