伦敦景点简单介绍英文 - 伦敦景点简单介绍英文翻译

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1. 伦敦景点简单介绍英文翻译

Last year I went to England with my family during the summer vacation. It took us more than ten hours to get there by plane. We visited some places of interests. We also went to a few famous universities and colleges.

2. 伦敦景点简单介绍英文翻译版

1. Buckingham Palace

Buckingham Palace is a very famous scenic spot in London. Buckingham Palace is the residence and office of British kings of all dynasties. Its palace buildings are very luxurious. Although it has experienced the attack of German bombs, it has not destroyed its beauty.

2. Big Ben

This Big Ben clock was built on the Thames River in London. The height of the whole clock tower is 95 meters, and the diameter of the clock is 7 meters wide. The architectural style of the clock tower is very unique and exquisite.

3. 伦敦著名景点英译


哈克尼中区HackneyCentral位于伦敦东北2区,隶属哈克尼伦敦自治市(英语:London Borough of Hackney。)

Hackney哈克尼区位于伦敦东北部,占地19.06平方公里,人口约为246,300,哈克尼区近年来人口在不断上升,主要以英国白人居多。据2011年人口普查数据显示,英国白人占36.2%,亚洲人种占10.5%,非洲人种占23.1%,其中华人占1.2%。哈克尼区人口年龄分布较年轻,主要在25-34岁之间,平均年龄远低于伦敦其他地区。0-19岁居民占总人口的20%, 20-39岁之间占35%,40-59岁之间占22%,60岁以上则仅占10%。

4. 英国著名景点介绍英文带翻译

Buckingham Palace is the principal dormitory and office of the British monarch in London.

Located in Westminster, the palace is one of the venues for national celebrations and royal welcoming ceremonies, as well as an important tourist attraction.

Buckingham Palace is an important venue for gatherings at times of celebration or crisis in British history.

Buckingham Palace is now open to visitors. Every morning, there will be a famous handover ceremony of the guards, which has become a great view of British Royal culture.

5. 伦敦景点简单介绍英文翻译怎么写

Westminster AbbeyA resting place of the royals, Westminster Abbey, is one of the most visited churches in the Christian world. It's a beautiful building, full of morose tombs and monuments, with an acoustic field that will send shivers down your spine when the choirboys clear their throats. The roll call of the dead and honored is guaranteed to humble the greatest egoist, despite the weighty and ornate memorabilia.威斯敏斯特教堂威斯敏斯特教堂是英国王室休息的地方,在基督教中是访问量最大的教堂。这是一个美丽的建筑,里面有很多墓和纪念碑,喝诗班的男童清清他们的喉咙发出的音乐像是深入到你的脊髓。唱名表决的死者和荣幸,让利己主义者和华丽的记念品都为之逊色。

6. 伦敦有哪些著名景点英文翻译





在伦敦市稍停三日,我们便来到了圣安东尼学校。圣安东尼座落在较低矮的山上,英文全称stantony,生态环境极好。站在高地远 ,大片的绿地,大片的田野,和点缀在田野上的点点野花,构成了一幅和谐美丽的图画。目光越过田野,你会看到一群的牛羊,正安闲地吃草。绿地上,更有多棵苍天古树,高于十米,为stantony增添了勃勃生机。





7. 伦敦旅游景点英文介绍

伦敦(London)-英国的首都伯明翰(Birmingham)-英格兰工业重镇 格拉斯哥(Glasgow)-旅游、文化和建筑艺术之城曼彻斯特(Manchester)-欧洲最有活力的城市之一 利物浦(Liverpool)-创新之城 加的夫(Cardiff)-威尔士的首府 纽卡斯尔(Newcastle)-英格兰的娱乐之城 莱斯特(Leicester)-多元文化之都 埃克塞特(Exeter)-通往美丽的西南英格兰的门户 贝尔法斯特(Belfast)-北爱尔兰的首府朴次茅斯(Portsmouth)-海上之国的心脏 利兹(Leeds)-英格兰北部的心脏 剑桥(Cambridge)-英国最负盛名的学术之城


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