
导读:阳新县旅游景点英文介绍(南阳旅游景点英文介绍) 英语介绍景点简单 写一篇介绍景点的英语作文,80个单词就可以了 黄石阳新有哪些旅游景点? 阳新县旅游景点 用英语介绍自己家乡的旅游景点 还要带翻译 谢谢 求一篇有关黄石市仙岛湖旅游景点的英文介绍,谢谢了



  China's  Great Wall is  the greatest  building  project  in human history of civilization.


It  was  built  in Spring  and  Autumn  period ,Warring  states  times,  two  thousand      years   ago.


After  the  Qin  state  unified  China.  The  chinese people  connected  the  Great  wall  of  various  states.


Two generations of  wise  people have constructed  The  Great  Wall  intensively.   Vast  its  project.  It  looks  like  rainbow  rolling  forward.  It  was  possible  to  be  called   world  miracle.

聪明的两代人曾经密集地建造长城,扩展了它的工程.  它看起来象彩虹,滚滚向前. 它有可能被称作世界奇迹。

It  is  the  must  for  chinese  people.  When  you repair  Great  Wall's   ruins  in  offical   days.

You will not  only  could  witness  Great  Wall's  apparance  that  meandered  in  the  hills  and high  moutains  ,  but  could  also  understand  the  chinese  nation  creation history ,   great  wisdom  and  courage of  chinese  people.  In  December 1987, Great  Wall  was  included in ‘’World  heritage  Name  list‘’.

它是中国必须付出的代价,当你在正式的场合下,在废墟中修建长城,你不仅会见证它在高山和峻岭中婉延曲折的情景, 也会了解中华民族的创造历史以及中国人的勇气和智慧,在1987年12月,长城被归录在‘’世界遗产名录"中。




Gulangyu is a small island of Xiamen. It’s like a garden on the water. Cars and buses are not allowed to drive there,which makes the island so quiet that music played on the piano and violin can be heard.


Here the sky and the sea clearly meet on the horizon. When standing at the top of the Sunshine Rock,you can see much of the landscape of Xiamen,and when standing at its foot,you can gaze at the beautiful garden that surrounds it.


Gulangyu produces bananas,coconuts,sugar cane and so on. The people here,warm,simple and hardworking,are making every effort to make the island more beautiful and they hope to welcome more visitors in the future.


Such is Gulangyu,a beautiful and inviting island,where a warm welcome awaits




adj. 风景优美的;舞台的;戏剧的

n. 风景胜地;风景照片


This is an extremely scenic part of America.



n. 旅行者,观光客

adj. 旅游的

vt. 在旅行参观

vi. 旅游;观光

adv. 坐旅游车厢;坐经济


A passing tourist snapped the incident.



阳新县湖北省黄石市所辖的一个县,位于湖北省东南部长江中游南岸。阳新县 历史 悠久, 旅游 资源丰富。有 鱼米之乡 百湖之县 之称。








6:龙港新区。有“龙潭红橘"、“步云塔 "、“朝阳晨曦"、“金竹云峰"、“岩泉飞瀑"、“陵园松涛"等风景名胜。





黄石阳新是一个比较小众的 旅游 景点,相信很多人还不知道这个景点的存在,今天就来说说黄石阳新这个地方有什么景点看吧。

黄石阳新其实指的是湖北省东南部,隶属黄石市的阳新县,阳新的发展 历史 悠久,早在西汉时期 已经建县了,因为这里土地肥沃,资源丰富,生态好,所以有"鱼米之乡"称号。一个 历史 悠久,资源丰富的地方,怎会没有可看的景点呢?


七峰山指的不是一座山,而是一片山,群山竞秀。山里面有很多琵琶洞、仙人洞、南岩观日、七峰林海等小景点。山里还有观音阁、太平天国古城墙等人文建筑可看。这个山有的地方已经被开发得很好, 旅游 资源丰富,所以有泛舟区、垂钓区、攀岩区等项目,游客不但能来爬山,还能体验各种休闲活动,而且环境幽静,非常适宜来 旅游 度假。




黄石阳新虽然不出名,但的确出过很多名人,也有很多 历史 故事在这里发生过。彭德怀、王震、何长工等老一辈无产阶级革命家都在这里生活过,这里还诞生过王平、贺俊侦彭方复、梅盛伟等20多位共和国将军,20万英雄儿女前仆后继,是全国闻名的“烈士县”。去烈士陵园,简直走进了 历史 故事中。

阳新县位于鄂东南,长江中游南岸,土地面积2780平方公里,辖16个镇、1个经济开发区、3个国营农场.悠久的 历史 ,优越的区位,丰富的资源,优良的环境,使阳新如一颗璀璨的明珠镶嵌在荆楚大地。现隶属于湖北省第二大城市---黄石市 区位优越,交通便利。阳新是湖北省的东大门,东临长江,西接京广,南及京九,北靠武黄,县城距武汉市120公里,黄石市60公里,江西省-九江市120公里,境内有2条国道(106、316)、4条省道,武九铁路横贯东西,长江水道贯穿全境,江河航运四季通畅。 因为这里土地肥 ,资源丰富,生态好,所以有"鱼米之乡"称号。阳新山川秀丽,景色迷人。



七峰山指的不是一座山,而是一片山,群山竞秀。山里面有很多琵琶洞、仙人洞、南岩观日、七峰林海等小景点。山里还有观音阁、太平天国古城墙等人文建筑可看。这个山有的地方已经被开发得很好, 旅游 资源丰富,所以有泛舟区、垂钓区、攀岩区等项目,游客不但能来爬山,还能体验各种休闲活动,而且环境幽静,非常适宜来 旅游 度假。




黄石阳新虽然不出名,但的确出过很多名人,也有很多 历史 故事在这里发生过。彭德怀、王震、何长工等老一辈无产阶级革命家都在这里生活过,这里还诞生过王平、贺俊侦彭方复、梅盛伟等20多位共和国将军,20万英雄儿女前仆后继,是全国闻名的“烈士县”。去烈士陵园,简直走进了 历史 故事中。

最主要还有一个石佛泉 旅游 漂流景区,大自然留下的宝贵遗产,值得一游,正大开发中

阳新这几年变化很快、可以说是飞跃发展。当然 旅游 业也是突飞猛进。4A景点仙岛湖的天空之城最是值得体验,徒步七峰山是许多攀登者的毕生追求,红色龙港老街带你重溯烽火岁月记忆!阳新新八景逐步形成,国家湿地网湖、枫林石田古驿、排市后山瀑布等等。阳新,这座新时代崛起的县城,不愧有“百湖之县”、“鱼米之乡”的美誉!















用英语介绍自己家乡的旅游景点 还要带翻译 谢谢

My hometown is a small town in the south of China which is sorrounded by clean water and green mountains .You can see trees and flowers everywhere.The air there is very fresh .It 's warm in winter and cool in summer ,which is v。


The main scenic spots

Savage island

Savage island scenic area located at the Xiandao lake, at the foot of nanshan. Here the natural ecology an exquisite scenery, wild phenomena, the green hills and clear waters, an idyllic scene, unique style. Near primitive humans who were from Thailand, Burma, Yunnan Nu River Grand Canyon to settle here, forming a different world. Into the savage island, the mountain suddenly now savage, mysterious symbols, shows you an unknown realm. Came to the savage tribes, you can watch the savage performance in the tour arrangements, can even dance and bold temperament of the savage in the ecstasy of the wild, cleaning and care of overwork. Savage island mountain after a Dai village, you can enjoy the dance of Dai nationality, Thailand freak show here, to participate in the cheerful bamboo pole dance, the water splashing Festival and the bride, let you enjoy the nature at the same time, the more able to enjoy the exotic.

Savage island

Savage island origin: in order to increase the Xiandao Lake tourism project, improve the grade of Xiandao Lake tourism, speeding up the development of Xiandao Lake tourism economy, he Tao Yangxin county Party Committee Propaganda Department Minister with the related personnel to visit Hainan tourism, visit the "last tribal" and other attractions, decided to increase the "savage island" project in the Xiandao lake. Savage island project is located in the South Bank of Xiandao lake, Yishanbangshui, dense forests, towering trees, mountain roads, twists and turns, winding paths, tranquil life insurance, a total of four islands, covering an area of 260 acres. Investors Wang Yiping and Long Zhenkun plans to invest 6000000 yuan of funds. To invest in two phases, the first phase of 3000000 yuan investment in the construction of scenic spots gatehouse, Dai village and the stage, WA Zhai and performance, the performance content Dai village are Thailand red artist (Simon) performance, robbing, Songkran, Dai dance; Wa village daoshan, savage, savage Warrior Dance cattle, savage hunting; and savage weaving, savage Yingbin, savage, savage guard logging etc.. The project is the only actor to have as many as 31 people. This is a new attraction of the new development of Xiandao Lake Scenic area.

Guanyin cave is located in Nanshan Lake Xiandao lake, across the river and dam. Guanyin Dong Department of the WPA milk stone structure, into a hole about ten thousand or five thousand years ago, this hole is small and light, natural stone statue of Guanyin cave has a statue, but the Cultural Revolution destroyed. After the world to imitate a Buddha statue of Avalokitesvara, sculpture, the hole on the right side of a plastic Buddha statue, like in the calculated repeatedly and impermanence of the world. Black is between the milk drip. Buddha. The amazing thing is as long as it is a sunny day, each about twelve points, the sun vertical irradiation, left long entrenched pool should appear "Rainbow", is very good-looking. There is a hole in the hole, fine sounding name "milk run fairyland", after years of water moves inside the cave, cave deep incomparable, has developed only nearly km. There are "Tianli imagination", "Jin e welcome", "God dance" and "Dongtian waterfall" and the natural landscape. There are well preserved stalactite. Spring is like the Jade Pool in the sky, not the world of mountain water. In the milk run cave right on top of the mountain, is a professor of experts of the Hubei Tourist Association found in China except Shenzhen and Hainan block third Mao Gong Shan "China Tourism News" has reported. In the present development of the middle section has a hole to hole " play the paradise ", the park provides a fitness and amuse facilities for tourists, let person linger.

A Buddism godness Guanyin hole in the Xiandao lake, King across the dam, dam by boat to arrive at only ten minutes. The hole of the WPA milk stone structure, into a hole in the more than twenty thousand years ago, because the cave there is a natural stone, a Buddism godness G uanyin named, unfortunately destroyed during the cultural revolution. Later, people have Buddha remodeling a Buddism godness Guanyin, Maitreya and other deities in the rock, and super intelligent overwhelming enlightenment prodigy. What is more mysterious inside of a stone milk, milk drip years between, inexhaustible, sucking patients can cure all diseases, scholar green cloud road, near far attracted pilgrims in a continuous line.

The Fairy Island (deer island)

The Fairy Island is located in the southwest of Xiandao lake, and Wangying town government, general Wang Ping Memorial across the water. The island is shaped like a dragon floating lying in the lake rippling blue waves, the waves move! On the island, jade flowers of the fairyland, Mizuki Kiyoka, beautiful scenery, is the most charming island Xiandao lake.

The Fairy Island

"The mountains are not high, but the immortal name. Water is not deep, Long Zeling." The Fairy Island both. Both the spiritual water, more immortal fame.

The legend that the three Prince Edward long drought river for the solution of Hubei, stole to Xi, afraid to go back to the palace, fled to Xiandao lake, met at the lake and secretly Xiafan pool of God -- Camellia Camellia faery, have love, the two would remain in the Xiandao lake fishing nets, disaster, prayed for the people. One day, a friend of deer God alone will be God Dragon Prince, tracking, exposed the whereabouts and was executed in Heaven Lake Xiandao, keel into a desert island. Deer god lament, stay in Xian long Dao, will not leave...... Later, Camellia faery trapped on the island, deer god to children Dutch act and jump in the lake, with the body feeding Camellia faery. The Dragon Prince, fairy deer god faithful friendship and love touched the Jade Emperor, the Jade Emperor will their soul to heaven.

Now the Fairy Island, everywhere is the scenery, see the scenery there are: Camellia faery, Long Yinchi, the monkey forest, ye Longting, Jean heart station, pine diameter seeks immortal, deer Youyuan, Dragon Pavilion, dragon Yin Ju, greenhouse......



野人岛景区位于仙岛湖畔,南山脚下。这里自然风光旖旎,生态野趣横生,山清水绿、鸟语花香、别具风情。一群分别来自泰国缅甸云南怒江大峡谷的近原始人类定居于此,形成了一个别样的世界。走进野人岛,满山忽现的野人、神秘莫测的符号、为您展示了一个未知的境界。来到野人部落,您可以在导游的安排下观赏野人表演,甚至可以和性情豪爽的野人共舞,在忘我的狂野中荡涤劳累与烦忧。 野人岛的后山有一个傣族村落,在这里你能欣赏傣族舞蹈、泰国人妖表演,参与欢快的竹杆舞、泼水节和抢亲,让你在享受大自然的同时,更能够领略到异域风情


野人岛由来:为了增加仙岛湖的旅游项目,提高仙岛湖的旅游品位,加快仙岛湖旅游经济的发展,阳新县委宣传部何滔部长带领有关人员前往海南考察旅游时,参观“最后的部落”等景点后,决定在仙岛湖增加“野人岛”项目。 野人岛项目坐落在仙岛湖南岸,依山傍水,森林茂密,林木参天,山道弯弯,迂回曲折,峰回路转,深邃幽险,共有四个小岛组成,面积260亩。投资商王义平和龙振坤计划投资600万元资金。分两期投资,第 一期投资300万元建设景点门楼、傣寨及表演台、佤寨及表演台等,表演内容傣寨有泰国红艺人(人妖)表演、抢亲、泼水节、傣族舞蹈;佤寨有上刀山、野人舞、野人骠牛、野人狩猎;还有野人织布、野人迎宾、野人卫士、野人伐木等等。该项目仅演员就有31人之多。这是仙岛湖景区新开发的一个新景点。

观音洞位于仙岛湖南山湖畔,与大坝隔河相望。观音洞系水渍乳石结构,成洞约一万五千年以前,此洞洞小而浅,洞内曾有观世音天然石像一尊,可惜文革被毁。后经世人模仿,雕塑了观世音佛像一尊,洞外右侧并排塑有如来佛像一尊,似在推算世人的反复与无常。玄乎的是间有乳汁滴下。如来佛祖。令人称奇的是只要是大晴天,每到十二点左右,太阳垂直照射时,左边龙盘踞的池水中竟会出现“彩虹”,非常好看。 在洞的上方有一洞,名曰“乳润洞天”,洞内经年流水不息,洞深无比,已开发的只有近千米。洞内有“天骊行空”、“金鄂迎宾”、“神独舞”、“洞天飞瀑”等自然景观。还有保存完好的钟乳石。泉水好似天上瑶池来,不是人间山间水。 在乳润洞天的右边山顶上,是湖北旅游协会的专家教授们发现的中国除深圳、海南外的第三座毛公山《中国旅游报》已作报道。在现开发的洞中段有一洞口通往"嬉乐园",园内为游客提供了健身、自娱自乐的设施,让人留连忘返。

观音洞位于仙岛湖畔,王英大坝对岸,在大坝乘船仅十分钟即可到达。此洞系水渍乳石结构,成洞于二万多年以前,因洞口有一天然石观音而得名,可惜文革时被毁。后世人在岩壁上重塑有如来、观音、弥勒等神佛,还有超智绝悟的神童。更为神奇的是洞内有一石乳,间有乳汁滴下,经年不竭,吮吸之患者可治百病、学者即青 云得路,远近慕名朝拜者络绎不绝。






如今仙龙岛上,处处即风景,入目皆景色:有茶花仙子、龙隐池、猴哥林 、谒龙亭、琴心台、松径寻仙、鹿友园、聚龙阁、龙饮居、花房……


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