
导读:有没有酒店通用菜品图片,不胜感激 保定最好的酒店是?


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缘 聚 商 务 盛 典 悠 享 秀 兰 真 情保定市秀兰饭店有限公司坐落于古城保定新市区乐凯南大街333号,是保定地区唯一一家按国际五星级标准兴建的大型豪华商务酒店。特聘请港澳地区资深酒店专业人士经营管理。饭店拥有298套设备完善的各类豪华商务客房,采用酒店智能化管理系统,格调清新、舒适、典雅。国际会议中心可同时容纳600人,举行不同规模、类型的商务会议,酒店中餐厅可同时举行600人的大型宴会,并设有3000平方米的康乐中心、室内大型恒温标准游泳池,健身中心和网球场,大型保龄球馆。同时设有豪华夜总会,购物中心、旅行社、水疗SPA、美容美发、棋牌室等一应俱全的配套设施。秀兰饭店设施先进,环境优雅,服务优质,将使每一位下榻的宾客得到真正意义的五星级享受!The best luxurious business hotel in Baoding cityXiuLan Hotel is a unique style of luxurious business hotel in Great Baoding Area, which is located on No.333 Lekai south st. in new district of historical Baoding city. The hotel is managed by the professional managers from Hongkong and Macao hotel management company.The hotel has 298 largest, most sophisticated bedrooms in Baoding city, providing a serene retreat and an efficient private office with the latest amenities and high-tech communications. An unrivalled guest service commitment, and the outstanding culinary delights offered in banquet center which accommodates 600 persons, all come together at the XiuLan Hotel. Baoding is a developing city for business people, and the XiuLan is the ideal hotel venue for all business meetings and conferences. The grand style of the ballroom makes it an excellent venue for conferences and banquets. Guests of the XiuLan also have direct access to the hotel’s exclusive 3000 square meters and fitness sanctuary, providing luxurious spa, a stunning indoor pool and an equipment in its gymnasium, tennis court, bowling, night club, shopping center, cosmetic and hairdresser, game rooms travel service etc,.Throughout, the hotel's luxurious warmth, imaginative cuisine and comprehensive, highly personalized service are the keys to Baoding’s most memorable gatherings.



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