故宫有什么景点翻译 我们去参观故宫翻译

导读:故宫有什么景点翻译 我们去参观故宫翻译 1. 我们去参观故宫翻译 2. 你可以去北京故宫翻译 3. 我们参观了故宫翻译 4. 你可以去长城和故宫参观 翻译 5. 在故宫翻译 6. 参观故宫英文翻译 7. 我们参观了故宫英语翻译 8. 我们去参观故宫翻译成英语 9. 我们去参观故宫翻译英文 10. 我们去参观故宫翻译成英文 11. 故宫景点翻译

1. 我们去参观故宫翻译


2. 你可以去北京故宫翻译

We visited the Great Wall, the Palace Museum and several famous universities,

3. 我们参观了故宫翻译

故宫这个词语用英语表达翻译为 : the Imperial Palace

4. 你可以去长城和故宫参观 翻译


敢穿我国的北方国土 北京故宫,旧称为紫禁城,是中国明、清两代24位皇帝的皇宫。皇族生活及处理政务的场所,可以看作是白宫的古代版。它是中国古代宫殿建筑之精华,无与伦比的建筑杰作,也是世界上现存规模最大、保存最为完整的木质结构的古建筑群。

5. 在故宫翻译

Forbidden City is one of the most popular attractions

6. 参观故宫英文翻译

Today, my brother and I went to visit the Imperial Palace. 今天我和哥哥一起去参观故宫。

7. 我们参观了故宫英语翻译

Kitty: May Day is coming.Where will you go on the holiday?


Alice: I will go to Beijing with my parents.


Kitty: Great! You can visit many places of interest there, the Palace Museum, the Great Wall, ...


Alice: What is the Palace Museum like?


Kitty: It is large.There are many big houses in it.All the houses are red and yellow.It is really wonderful.


Alice: Really? I will enjoy my visit there.


8. 我们去参观故宫翻译成英语

“ 我和姐姐的故宫游"(总结)"A Tour of the Forbidden City taken by my sister and me" (被动语态)“我和姐姐(正在)游览故宫”(进行时)“My sister and I are go sightseeing in the Forbidden City." 【公益慈善翻译团】真诚为你解答!

9. 我们去参观故宫翻译英文


1、Palace Memories.

2、palace memory.

3、Memory of the Imperial Palace上述说法都可以。重点词汇:回忆[词典]memory; recall; recollect; look back upon例句:我对乡村生活有着十分美好的回忆。I have very fond memories of living in our village.

10. 我们去参观故宫翻译成英文

故宫的英文: the Palace Museum the Imperial Palace 参考例句: The Palace Museum is the imperial palace of ancient Chinese emperors. 故宫是中国古代皇帝的皇宫。

When was the Imperial Palace rebuilt? 故宫重建于何时? She showed a party of tourists round the imperial palace. 她带领旅游团参观故宫 。This is really a fascinating palace. 故宫真是令人入迷的皇宫。

11. 故宫景点翻译



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