那个农场旅游景点 参观当地的农场

导读:那个农场旅游景点 参观当地的农场 1. 参观当地的农场 2. 参观当地的农场小作文 3. 参观当地的农场英文 4. 参观当地的农场的作文 5. 参观当地的农场新闻报道作文 6. 参观当地的农场组织英语作文 7. 参观当地的农场英语 8. 参观当地的农场用新闻报道英语作文 9. 参观当地的农场英语作文四级 10. 参观当地的农场英语作文

1. 参观当地的农场


2. 参观当地的农场小作文

This is my farm.It is not very big,but it’s beautiful.On my farm,there are many animals living their happy life.

In the middle,there is a pond.A fountain is in the pond.Near the pond,there are some flowers blossoming.On the right,there are some dogs,pigs,fish,sheep and cows.They are not very lovly.

Ob the left,there are some donkeys,cats,ducks,hens,and horses.Near the horses is my house.In front of my house,there is another small house.There are some tomatoes,carrots ,hay,corn,and grass covering on it.

3. 参观当地的农场英文

On the Farm 在农场; [例句]You lived on the farm until you came back to America?你回美国之前一直生活在农场吗��

4. 参观当地的农场的作文



5. 参观当地的农场新闻报道作文







6. 参观当地的农场组织英语作文


7. 参观当地的农场英语

Today we went to the farm. Good morning, starting at the school gate collection. Arriving at the farm received a warm welcome, make working with us to visit, see the crops and vegetables, we are pleased to noon at the outdoor picnic, after dinner we sing, dance, tell jokes, tell stories, play chess and so on. And farm workers to do the last to leave.

8. 参观当地的农场用新闻报道英语作文

He is legend Jeremy Lin from Taiwan, for a typical ABC ( 在美国出生的华人 )


the season as a top four player, Jeremy Lin will bring to the hitherto unknown height of Harvard University, has made the school in NNAA(美国大学体育总会) history the most victory. After graduating from Harvard, Jeremy Lin took part in this year 's NBA draft, but fail in official nowhere, because the NBA player basically not Ivy League players have any hope.Don't give up the Jeremy Lin chose to represent the Mavericks in the NBA Summer League, and wizards champion John wall 's direct dialog, Jeremy Lin had13points and 4 rebounds, did not fall ahull, it gets people to sit up and take notice of him. On July 21, 2010, Chinese genius, Harvard Jeremy Lin successfully landing NBA. He and Jinzhou warriors reached an agreement, both sides signed a two-year basic salary contract. At this point, Jeremy Lin became the first Chinese American history of the NBA player. Believe that he in the next competition will be more luster.翻译:他简直就是传奇 来自台湾的林书豪,是个典型的ABC。上赛季作为一名大四球员,林书豪将哈佛大学带到前所未有的高度,取得了该校在NNBC历史上最多的胜利。 从哈佛毕业后,林书豪才加了今年的NBA选秀,但名落孙山,因为NBA的球队基本不会对常春藤名校联盟出来的球员抱有什么希望。不放弃的林书豪选择了代表小牛队参加NBA夏季联赛,与奇才队状元约翰沃尔的直接对话中,林书豪取下了13分4个篮板,丝毫不落下风,这让人们开始对他刮目相看。2010年7月21日,华裔天才、哈佛高材生林书豪成功登陆NBA。他与金州勇士队达成协议,双方签署了为期两年的底薪合同。至此,林书豪成为了NBA历史上第一个美籍华裔球员。相信他在今后的比赛中能更加绽放光彩。 不是很正规的答案,但希望你能有所帮助。如果可以,请采纳。

9. 参观当地的农场英语作文四级

I wwnt to my uncle's farm last week. In the farm , there are many animals. For example , the sheep,the cows ,the hens and so on.

10. 参观当地的农场英语作文

We went to the farm yesterday.Our teacher told usthat we should protect the animals on the farm.We learned how to do the farmwork.How happy we felt !


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