
导读:急!儿童英语故事 英语故事应该怎样教学? 求有趣有教育性的英语小故事

The hare and the tortoise The hare was once boasting of his speed before the other animals. I have never been beaten, he said, when I run at full speed, no one is faster than me. The tortoise said quietly, I will race with you. That is a good joke, said the hare. I could dance around you the whole way. The race started. The hare darted almost out of sight at once. He soon stopped and lay down to have a nap. The tortoise plodded on and on. When the hare awoke from his nap, he saw the tortoise was near the finish line, and that he had lost the race. 龟兔赛跑 兔子向动物们夸耀他的速度,“我从来没有失败过,”他说,“当我奔跑时,没有人比我更快。” 乌龟平静地说:“我要与你比赛。”“真是笑话,我可以边玩边和你赛跑。”兔子说。 比赛开始了,一眨眼工夫,兔子已经跑得不见了踪影,但是他觉得自己跑得快,对比赛掉以轻心,躺在路边睡着了。 乌龟慢腾腾地却持续不停地走,当兔子一觉醒来,他看到乌龟已经快到终点线了。兔子输了比赛。 寓意: 骄兵必败;只有持之以恒,才能实现目标。


我只是一个实习的老师 今年毕业 我觉得故事教学最好用上 flash 若没有 也不要嫌麻烦 认真准备 道具什么的都要齐全 小孩子喜欢故事 而我们教英语时千万不要把让孩子接受你所教知识作为第一要务 就象小孩喜欢睡前听故事一样 让他们当学故事来学 而不是知识 这样才能激发他们的兴趣 !此外中国的小孩普遍不太喜欢主动发言 表现自己,作为老师也不要太重视纪律,这只能压抑学习的动力,让课堂活起来才是正道!!这只是我的想法。我虽然还没当上老师,但是师范类的学生,而且当过兼职老师,实习很多次,也梃喜欢教小孩子的。加油啊


man goes to church and starts talking to God. He says: God, what is a million dollars to you? and God says: A penny, then the man says: God, what is a million years to you? and God says: a second, then the man says: God, can I have a penny? and God says In a second


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