
导读:祁连山草原旅游景点介绍英文(祁连山脉英文) 用几句英语介绍草原30词 祁连山草原旅游景点介绍 祁连山 英文介绍作文 求关于青藏高原的英文介绍 祁连山英语怎么写?


The grassland is a beautiful place in Mongolia.Many Mongolians refer to the grassland as。

their homeland.They move from one area to another and their animals survive on these。

grassland.There are many beautiful plants and is situated just below the mountain.It is rich。

with natural resources and green all year round.Children love to play in the grassland and。

there are many sporting competitions held there.It is the symbol of Mongolia。










因此,雪莲、蚕缀、雪山草又合称为祁连山雪线上的“岁寒三友”。 祁连山草原,它的代表大马营草原焉支山和祁连山之间的盆地中。每年7、8月间,与草原相接的祁连山依旧银装素裹,而草原上却碧波万顷,马、牛、羊群点缀其中。





祁连山 英文介绍作文






Qingzang Gaoyuan) is a vast, elevated plateau in Central Asia[1][2][3][4] covering most of the Tibet Autonomous Region and Qinghai Province in China and Ladakh in Kashmir, India. It occupies an area of around 1,000 by 2,500 kilometers, and has an average elevation of over 4,500 meters. Sometimes called "the roof of the world," it is the highest and biggest plateau, with an area of 2.5 million square kilometers (about four times the size of Texas or France).[5]

The plateau is bordered to the northwest by the Kunlun Range which separates it from the Tarim Basin, and to the northeast by the Qilian Range which separates the plateau from the Hexi Corridor and Gobi Desert. Near the south the plateau is transected by the Yarlung Tsangpo River valley which flows along the base of the Himalayas, and by the vast Indo-Gangetic Plain. To the east and southeast the plateau gives way to the forested gorge and ridge geography of the mountainous headwaters of the Salween, Mekong, and Yangtze rivers in western Sichuan and southwest Qinghai. In the west it is embraced by the curve of the rugged Karakoram range of northern Kashmir.

It has been empirically shown to be the most remote place on Earth.[7]

The Tibetan plateau has been an important strategic area throughout Chinese history.

NASA satellite image of the southern area of Tibetan PlateauThe plateau is a high-altitude arid steppe interspersed with mountain ranges and large brackish lakes. Annual precipitation ranges from 100 mm to 300 mm and falls mainly as hailstorms. The southern and eastern edges of the steppe have grasslands which can sustainably support populations of nomadic herdsmen, although frost occurs for six months of the year. Permafrost occurs over extensive parts of the plateau. Proceeding to the north and northwest, the plateau becomes progressively higher, colder and drier, until reaching the remote Changthang region in the northwestern part of the plateau. Here the average altitude exceeds 5,000 meters (16,500 feet) and year-round temperatures average −4 °C, dipping to −40 °C in winter. As a result of this extremely inhospitable environment, the Changthang region (together with the adjoining Kekexili region) is the least populated region in Asia, and the third least populated area in the world after Antarctica and northern Greenland.






青藏高原是中国重要的天然牧场,高原上的草并不高,但因光照充足,光合作用旺盛,营养价值极高。每年夏秋季节,草原上牛羊成群,除了放牧的牦牛、藏山羊藏绵羊和牛外,还有成群的黄羊羚羊野牛 、野驴等野生动物

The Qinghai-Tibet Plateau

Located in the southwest of China, the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau has an area of about 2.3 million km2 and an average altitude of over 4,000 m. It is honored as the "roof of the world" and is the biggest plateau in China.

The Qinghai-Tibet Plateau is a typical mountainous plateau. It mainly comprises Altyn Tagh Mountains, Qilian Mountains, Kunlun Mountains, Karakorum Mountains, Tanggula Mountains, Gandise Mountains, Nyaindqentanglha Mountains, Hengduan Mountains and the Himalayas. Qomolangma (Mt. Everest) - the highest mountain in the world - is the main peak of the Himalayas.

The Qinghai-Tibet Plateau has low temperature, undulating snow-capped mountains and a large area of glaciers, so it is called a "solid water reservoir". The melted ice and snow is not only the source of many famous rivers in Asia, but also the irrigating source of the inland dry areas in China.

The plateau is an important natural pasture in China. The grasses growing there is not tall, but because of the rich sunshine and active photosynthesis, they are very nutritious. Every summer and fall, herds of cows and sheep graze there. Apart from grazing yaks, Tibetan goats, Tibetan sheep and pian niu (offspring of a bull and a female yak), there are herds of Mongolian gazelle, antelopes, wild ox, Asiatic wild ass, and many other wild animals.


祁连山英语写作Qilian Mountain,固定搭配如下:

固定搭配:southern Qilian Mountain 南祁连;Qilian Mountain Grassland 祁连山草原;West Qilian Mountain 西至祁连山;Qilian Mountain area 祁连山区;Eastern QiLian Mountain 东祁连山。


1、Record of Drought and Flood Series by Tree-Ring Data in the Middle Section of Qilian Mountain Since 904 A. D.


2、Recent discovered Hanshan gold deposit is a structure-controlled altered rock type related with intrusive rocks in North Qilian Mountain.



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