
导读:游上海心得的文章 上海游记(英文)

首先,上海是个热闹的城市,购物是必不可少的,上海的历史主要是由近代辉煌,外滩也是要去的,南京路步行街是要去的。上海市区比较堵,地铁·轻轨乘的人太多,会让你很不舒服,被偷东西,别怪我没说过。科技馆~即将到来的奥运足球比赛都是亮点,建议你7 8 月来。


Shanghai is the global economy most developed city. Today Ifortunately come to Shanghai, visits this global economy mostdeveloped city. Makes my happy mother agree leads me to visit thescience and technology museum. Causes me to be extremely excited,wishes one could to arrive the science and technology museum visitimmediately. Enters the science and technology museum, unfolds at present in me isa giant spheroid, this is four Uygur theater. The entire theater is asteel structure, all around all is the glass, lets the person feel itsstyle. We ride the elevator to arrive two buildings, entered the robotworld. Usually only can in the magazine, the television see the robot,now finally witnessed his elegant demeanour. At present repairs therobot in me, they all are the single arm composition, in the handseparately are taking the screwdriver, the drill, the spanner. Theirleft side has a computer, this computer is uses in to control therobot. So long as clicks with the mouse, they can make each kind ofmovement. Let me feel the under repair thing. Really interesting!Afterwards, we arrive the robot performance hall, here has veryrepairs the robot in, which do they have go well are embroidering thecolored umbrella; In some hands is taking a rose; Also in some handsis taking the bell. Prepares for the people to perform the splendidprogram as necessary. Their performance is lifelike, really makes onedismiss from mind with difficulty. I arrive along with the stream of people the astronavigation world.Among the exhibition hall stands erect a big rocket, the semblance isassuming the silver-white color, the peak has at the same time theFive-Starred Red Flag. Rocket right flank has a simulationweightlessness the space, the people sit in inside, may float in theball, just like experiences personally. I also saw the trueastronavigation clothing: He also is the silver-white color, iscomposed by many tracheae. Astronavigation clothing thick, theastronaut puts on him, is unimpeded in the outer space stroke. I alsowitnessed astronaut's food, all is a canned food. Thus imagines thedifficulty which lives to the astronaut. Goes out the science and technology museum, my mood cannot be tranquilfor a very long time. I but am arrogant for the motherland swift andviolent development, took a middle-school student, I should diligentlystudy, grasp more knowledge, grows up serves the motherland, soars forthe motherland contributes a minute strength.

走进科技馆,展现在我的眼前的是一个巨大的球体,这是四维影院。整个影院是钢结构的,四周都是玻璃,让人感到它的气派。我们乘着电梯来到二楼,走进了机器人世界。平时只能在杂志、电视里看到的机器人,现在终于目睹了他的风采。在我眼前的是修理机器人,它们都是单臂组成,手里分别拿着螺丝刀、钻子、扳手。它们的左边有一台电脑,这台电脑是用于控制机器人的。只要用鼠标点击,它们就会做出各种的动作。让我感觉正在修理东西。真有趣啊!随后,我们来到机器人表演馆,这里有很多修理机器人,它们有得手里哪着绣花伞;有的手 里拿着一支玫瑰;还有的手里拿着铃铛。随时准备为人们表演精彩的节目。它们的表演栩栩如生,真令人难以忘怀。




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