英语介绍新西兰景点 - 新西兰旅游介绍英语

导读:英语介绍新西兰景点 - 新西兰旅游介绍英语 1. 新西兰旅游介绍英语 2. 新西兰旅游介绍英语范文 3. 新西兰著名景点介绍英文 4. 新西兰旅游介绍英语翻译 5. 新西兰旅游景点英语 6. 新西兰风景名胜英文介绍 7. 新西兰旅游英文介绍

1. 新西兰旅游介绍英语

New Zealand is a country in the south-western Pacific Ocean comprising two large islands (the North Island and the South Island) and numerous smaller islands, most notably Stewart Island/Rakiura and the Chatham Islands. In Māori, New Zealand has come to be known as Aotearoa, which is usually translated into English as The Land of the Long White Cloud. The Realm of New Zealand also includes the Cook Islands and Niue, which are self-governing, but in free association; Tokelau; and the Ross Dependency (New Zealand's territorial claim in Antarctica).

New Zealand is notable for its geographic isolation, being separated from Australia to the northwest by the Tasman Sea, approximately 2000 kilometres (1250 miles) across. Its closest neighbours to the north are New Caledonia, Fiji, and Tonga.

The population is mostly of European descent, with the indigenous Māori being the largest minority. Non-Māori Polynesian and Asian people are also significant minorities, especially in the cities. Elizabeth II, as the Queen of New Zealand, is the Head of State and is represented, in her absence, by a non-partisan Governor-General; the Queen 'reigns but does not rule', so she has no real political influence. Political power is held by the democratically-elected Parliament of New Zealand under the leadership of the Prime Minister who is the Head of Government.

2. 新西兰旅游介绍英语范文

New Zealand is an island country, locating in the southwest of Pacific Ocean. It is a highly developed nation, and its capital is Wellington with 450,000 habitants. In the past twenty years, New Zealand has successfully changed from agricultural industry to mechanical economy with powerful international competitiveness in the world.

3. 新西兰著名景点介绍英文

类的我看过,你是不是深圳的?若是的话看 DV生活频道 或 TV风向标频道这两个频道里面有很多英语的纪录片和电影。其中National geograhy 国家地理就是里面最典型的,不过这个不单单是地理的,其中包括很多科学内容,而Follow Me就是像你问的那个节目一样,纯粹的讲世界各国著名的旅游景点。所以你要的应该是Follow Me

4. 新西兰旅游介绍英语翻译









5. 新西兰旅游景点英语




新西兰由北岛、南岛、斯图尔特 岛及其附近一些小岛组成,新西兰素以“绿色”著称。境内多山,山地和丘陵占总面积75%以上。两座主要岛屿(南岛与北岛)面积约为266200km?。



6. 新西兰风景名胜英文介绍




有人说,新西兰就是一个大花园,而且气候的多样性使得植物、树木也有着多样性,很多人第一眼看到新西兰的天空,就会被那片蔚蓝吸引,“长白云之乡”的美誉名不虚传。蓝天白云,不仅能提高人们的生活质量,还能让人保持一份愉悦的心情。汉密尔顿花园(Hamilton Gardens)是怀卡托地区一个很受欢迎的公园。在这里,可以探访来自世界各地风情花园的秘密仙境。





伊甸山(Mount Eden)位于市中心以南约5公里处,是一死火山的火山口。山顶设有?望台,视野开阔,是眺望市景的好地方。此外,还可参观到12世纪时毛利人要塞的遗迹。



泰伊里峡谷铁路之旅曾被电视系列节目《精彩火车观光之旅》形容为“世界最精彩的火车旅行之一”。另外 个往返于基督城与格雷茅斯之间的高山观景火车TranzAlpine Rail Journey也被评为世界火车之旅的前六名。




7. 新西兰旅游英文介绍

新西兰是地球上最年轻的国家 New Zealand is one of the youngest countries 雄伟的地貌景观、茂密的森林、奇特的野生动物和宜人的气候使新西兰成为理想的户外活动场所和旅游圣地。

The magnificent landscapes, lush forests, wild animals and strange pleasant climate make New Zealand an ideal outdoor venues and tourist sites. 人类定居新西兰已有1,000多年的历史,但其绚丽多彩和扣人心弦的历史主要以毛利人和欧裔白人(Pakeha)之间的关系为主线 Human settlement New Zealand has more than 1,000 years of history, but its colorful history and enthralling mainly Maori and European descent white (Pakeha) the relationship between the main line 令人惊叹不已的地貌景观、茂盛的植被和独特的野生动物使新西兰为自然爱好者的天堂。 It is amazing the landscape, lush vegetation and wildlife unique to New Zealand as a natural paradise for lovers. 新西兰文的化是独特的,富有活力的,受到欧洲、毛利、太平洋岛国和亚洲文化的多重影响。庆祝不同的民族节日和民间传说已成为一种新西兰文化。 The text of New Zealand is unique and full of vitality, and by the European, Maori, Pacific island countries and the multiple impact of the Asian culture. Celebration of different ethnic festivals and folklore has become a New Zealand culture. 回答者: 摩天轮~~ - 魔法学徒 一级 4-16 18:17 回答者: 寂寞的忧愁啊 - 助理 二级 4-17 21:09 Auckland(新西兰)

Auckland has been a hot spot for an awfully long time, but the reasons have quite fortunately changed. New Zealand's largest city and prime international gateway resides on some 48 volcanoes, but it's been 600 years since lava flowed from any of them. Those volcanic hills have created great park space, fabulous (惊人的;难以置信的)panoramic views and twin harbors filled with watercraft. In fact, Auckland's nickname is The City of Sails. It's a sprawling metropolitan area (actually four cities) of more than one million souls, including the largest concentration of Polynesians on the planet. And it's known for its multicultural flair. The big attraction is all that waterfront property and the leisure pursuits that go with it. On land, there's a variety of museums (including a highly regarded Maritime Museum) and the famed Kelly Tarlton's Aquarium, with its sharks and penguins and masses of sea life. Attractions : NZ National Maritime Museum New Zealand's leading maritime museum in the heart of Auckland's vibrant waterfront. Discover New Zealand's seafaring history in over 14 world class galleries. Sail the harbour aboard a heritage vessel. Waiwera Thermal Resort From the roaring, whirling twister and dual speed slide, to the sheer luxury of soaking in the Hibiscus pool watching movies on the large screen, to the relaxation of a soothing massage, to the intimate seclusion of rising steam, soft music and cascading waterfalls of the private spas, sauna and Jacuzzi (‘极可意"浴缸,周边可喷水按摩的小浴池,源自商标名)- Waiwera Thermal Resort's naturally heated water provides something for everybody - only 25 mins north of Auckland on State Highway 1. Kelly Tarlton's Antarctic Encounter and Underwater World See colonies of King and Gentoo Penguins, watch them swim and plunge beneath the ice cap, then travel deep beneath the ocean and come face to face with the awesome predators of the deep - SHARKS - only centimetres away. Auckland Zoo Home to New Zealand's largest collection of native and exotic animals. Explore the Tropical Rainforest, Hippo River, Pridelands (African savannah) & Primate Trail. Discover Wilderness New Zealand. Experience Sealion and Penguin Shores where Sealions can be seen through an amazing underwater viewing window.奥克兰(新西兰) 奥克兰已成为热点的非常长的时间,但幸运的原因,有相当的变化。 新西兰最大的城市和主要国际门户驻留在大约48火山,但它的600年以来的熔岩流从任何人。这些火山山公园创造了巨大的空间,神话般(惊人的;难以置信的)的全景和双港口充满船舶。事实上,奥克兰的昵称是城市帆船。 这是一个庞大首都圈(实际上4个城市)的100多万亡灵,其中包括最大的玻利尼西亚人在这个星球上。它的著名的多元文化的气息。 最大的吸引力是所有的财产和海滨休闲的去追求它。在陆地上,有各种各样的博物馆(包括高度重视海事博物馆)和著名的凯利Tarlton的水族馆,其鲨鱼和企鹅和群众的海上生活。 景点: 新西兰国家海事博物馆 新西兰领先的海事博物馆的心脏奥克兰的充满活力的海滨。发现新西兰的航海历史,在14世界一流的画廊。船帆上的海底文物的船只。 怀韦拉热度假村 从咆哮,捻线机和双旋转速度下滑,到奢侈浸泡在芙蓉池看电影的大屏幕,放宽惬意的按摩,对亲密的隐居的上升蒸汽,柔和的音乐和瀑布的私营温泉,桑拿,按摩浴缸( '极可意“浴缸,周边可喷水按摩的小浴池,源自商标名) -怀韦拉热度假村的自然热水为每个人提供了-只有25分钟奥克兰以北的公路上1 。 凯利Tarlton的南极和海底世界 聚居的国王和Gentoo企鹅,看它们游泳,使下方的冰帽,然后旅行的海洋深处,并面对的可怕的食肉动物深-鲨鱼-只有几厘米的距离。


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