英国著名景点介绍白金 英国有名的景点英文介绍

导读:英国著名景点介绍白金 英国有名的景点英文介绍 1. 英国有名的景点英文介绍 2. 介绍英国的景点英文介绍 3. 英国著名景点的英文 4. 英国十大景点英文介绍 5. 英国著名景点英文介绍简单一点的 6. 英国的著名景点的英文 7. 英国著名的景点英文名 8. 英国的著名景点英文介绍 9. 英国有名的景点的英文 10. 英国有名的景点英文介绍带翻译 11. 英国著名的景点英文

1. 英国有名的景点英文介绍

United Kingdom, referred to as the United Kingdom (English: United Kingdom) or Britain (English: Britain), commonly known as the United Kingdom, is the island of Great Britain, England, Scotland and Wales, as well as the northeastern part of the island of Ireland and Northern Ireland, a series of affiliated islands composed of an island nation in Western Europe. Chinese in the "English" word, that is, from "England", while their international code for GB.

United Kingdom is located in the northwest of continental Europe, the British Isles, was the North Sea, the English Channel, Celtic Sea, Irish Sea and the Atlantic Ocean surrounded. In addition to British, but also includes fourteen overseas territories

2. 介绍英国的景点英文介绍


Britain is a multicultural place, the food is fresh, beautiful scenery, the British house, has a unique flavor of the west. There are many places of historic interest in Britain, for example, the British museum, the inside of the portrait, revealed the history, all kinds of porcelain carving is very delicate. Britain's book is also very famous, "oliver twist" let a person can't help but leave deep impression! This is the British, beautiful English!

3. 英国著名景点的英文


1、England 英 【ˈɪŋɡlənd】 美 【'iŋɡlənd】

n. 英格兰;英国;

2、Britain 英 【'brɪt(ə)n】 美 【'brɪtn】

n. 英国;不列颠;

3、UK 联合王国(United Kingdom) 【ˌju: ˈkeɪ; ˌju ke】

abbr. 联合王国(United Kingdom)

n. 英国;


1.英格兰(或据其拉丁名 Anglia 译成英吉利;英国领土的主要部分,在大不列颠岛南部和中部;与苏格兰、威尔士一起构成大不列颠岛,首都伦敦)


3.(泛指)英国 (=United Kingdom)


例句:He received part of his education in England. 他有一部分教育是在英国接受的。


=Great Britain


2.大不列颠(大不列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国的简称)[参较 United Kingdom]

例句:Was it in 1948 that the Government took over the railways in Great Britain?



the INTERNET DOMAIN NAME for United Kingdom 英国

例句:But we have the same problem in UK. 而在我们英国,也有同样的问题。

4. 英国十大景点英文介绍

中国---长城(Great Wall)

英国---大本钟(Big Ben)

澳大利亚---悉尼歌剧院(the Sydney Opera House)

美国---自由女神像(the Statue of liberty)

法国---凯旋门(the Triumph Arch)

埃及---金字塔(the pyramid)

马来西亚---双塔(Mark )

俄罗斯---莫斯科圣巴西利亚大教堂(Moscow Brasilia Cathedral St.)

比利时---撒尿男童(Search boys )



5. 英国著名景点英文介绍简单一点的

A capital city full of art and history. An important political centre. A huge financial market place.


Whatever you think about London, visiting as a tourist is v ery different from living there. Each part of London has its own character. Some parts are richer than others, or more industrial, or have better housing.


It is difficult to be general about London. The city is made up of a "collection of villages", each area with its own character and community.


Put them all together, and you have London, a cosmopolitan capital.


6. 英国的著名景点的英文



The Forbidden City refers to the Forbidden City of Beijing.


The the Imperial Palace of Beijing is the imperial palace of the two dynasties in Ming and Qing Dynasties, formerly known as the Forbidden City, located in the center of Beijing's central axis. It is the cream of ancient Chinese palace architecture.


Beijing Palace Museum is centered on three main halls, covering an area of 720,000 square meters, with a construction area of about 150,000 square meters. It has more than 70 palaces and more than 9,000 houses. It is one of the largest and most complete ancient wooden structures in the world.


Beijing Palace Museum is known as the first of the five major palaces in the world (Versailles Palace in France, Buckingham Palace in Britain, White House in the United States, Kremlin Palace in Russia).


It is a national AAAAA-level tourist attraction. In 1961, it was listed as the first batch of national key cultural relics protection units; in 1987, it was listed as a world cultural heritage.


7. 英国著名的景点英文名

说起英国,我们常用英语England, Britain, UK,来表示,那么到底哪个才是英国的全称呢?

The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland 大不列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国, 这一长串的名字才是“英国”的全称。 准确的说当今的英国是由Great Britain大不列颠岛和Northern Ireland 北爱尔兰这两部分组成。本土位于欧洲大陆西北面的不列颠群岛,被北海、英吉利海峡、凯尔特海、爱尔兰海和大西洋包围。


1688年的光荣革命确立了君主立宪政体,18世纪60年代至19世纪30年代成为世界上第一个完成工业革命的国家 ,国力迅速壮大。18世纪至20世纪初期英国统治的领土跨越全球七大洲,是当时世界上最强大的国家和第一大殖民帝国,其殖民地面积等于本土的111倍,号称日不落帝国。在两次世界大战中 取得了胜利,但国力严重受损。到20世纪下半叶大英帝国解体,资本主义世界霸权的地位被美国取代。不过,现在英国仍是一个在世界范围内有巨大影响力的大国。


8. 英国的著名景点英文介绍



9. 英国有名的景点的英文


【读音】英 [ˈbrɪtn] 美 [ˈbrɪtn]



Henceforward France and Britain had a common interest



【读音】英 [ˈɪŋɡlənd] 美 ['iŋɡlənd]

【释义】n. 英格兰


The teacher told us his experiences in England.



【读音】[ˌju: ˈkeɪ; ˌju ke]

【释义】abbr. 联合王国(United Kingdom);n. 英国.


It is not known if they will return to the UK for the birth.




1、英国央行 BoE ; Bank of England ; bank of engacreage ; Charles Bean

2、英国陆军 British Army ; US Army ; ARMY OF UK

3、英国石油 BP ; British Petroleum ; BP United Kingdom ; BP-UK

4、英国英语 British English ; Briticism ; English UK ; British

5、英国王室 British royal family ; Royal family ; the british monarchy

10. 英国有名的景点英文介绍带翻译

Buckingham Palace is the principal dormitory and office of the British monarch in London.

Located in Westminster, the palace is one of the venues for national celebrations and royal welcoming ceremonies, as well as an important tourist attraction.

Buckingham Palace is an important venue for gatherings at times of celebration or crisis in British history.

Buckingham Palace is now open to visitors. Every morning, there will be a famous handover ceremony of the guards, which has become a great view of British Royal culture.

11. 英国著名的景点英文

Britain的汉语意思是不列颠,也叫大不列颠(Great Britain),偏向地理概念,表示英国这片土地。





Britain偏向一个地理概念,表示英国这片土地,如二战中著名的不列颠之战就是Battle of Britain。



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