云南有什么景点 云南有什么景点用英语叙述

导读:云南有什么景点 云南有什么景点用英语叙述 1. 云南有什么景点用英语叙述 2. 用英文介绍云南的景点 3. 云南的名胜古迹用英语怎么说 4. 云南有什么景点用英语叙述的 5. 云南景点用英语怎么说 6. 关于云南旅游的英文介绍 7. 云南是一个非常美丽的地方用英语 8. 云南著名景点英语 9. 云南旅游必去的景点英语

1. 云南有什么景点用英语叙述

昆明安宁的英语是Anning, Kunming

2. 用英文介绍云南的景点

Minority: Yunnan is China's most minority provinces, besides Han, is inhabited by 26 people, the province's minority population occupies total population nearly 1/3. Different nationalities have their own characteristics, so in Yunnan, you can get anywhere without culture.

  Flower Town: Yunnan known as "Kingdom of plants". Europe and the United States to cultivation of Rhododendron, camellia, Primula, orchid lily flowers, mostly from Yunnan, not to mention the domestic cultivation of flowers. Yunnan: camellia, cuckoo, eight flowers of Magnolia, primrose, lily, gentian, Meconopsis, orchid. With Yunnan the four seasons such as spring weather, there is a sea of flowers. Mountain bamboo many, a luxuriant bamboo shoots.

  Karst: Yunnan Eastern Yunnan-Guizhou Plateau, after two million years of corrosion and weathering erosion, forming a unique magnificent primary Karst landform, karst terrain, especially in the Lunan Stone Forest, Jiuxiang scenic area most.

  Tropical rainforest in Xishuangbanna: located south of the Tropic of cancer in the tropical north edge, the tropical monsoon climate, is warm, sunny, humid and rainy, earth tropic desert with only a piece of green state, is China's tropical rain forest ecosystem preservation is most complete, the most typical, the largest area of the region, but also on the planet today rare animal and plant gene bank, known as one of the earth's natural wonders.

3. 云南的名胜古迹用英语怎么说












昆明大理 中甸 腾冲 德宏 西双版纳

昆明世界园艺博览园 滇池 西山森林公园 翠湖公园 黑龙潭 大观楼公园

石林风景名胜区 云南民族村 金殿名胜区 安宁温泉 阿庐古洞 昆明曹溪寺

筇竹寺五百罗汉 九乡风景区 昙华寺 圆通山 聂耳墓 云 南陆军讲武堂旧址

金马碧鸡坊 多依河 鲁布革三峡 观音山 九龙瀑布群 东寺塔和西寺塔

小白龙森林公园 官渡金刚塔 海埂公园 郑和公园 轿子山 西南联合大学纪念碑

大理三塔 民族风情园 宾川鸡足山 蝴蝶泉 丽江 长江第一湾景区

丽江古城 玉龙雪山 泸沽湖 木府 玉峰寺 虎跳峡

纳帕海自然保护区 橄榄坝 归化寺 白芒雪山 碧塔海 云南第一峰-卡格博峰

白水台 老君山 腾冲火山群 腾冲热海 和顺乡 腾冲火山地热风景名胜区

槟榔江风光 大树杜鹃王 景洪 曼飞龙佛塔 古茶王 景真八角亭

建水古城 燕子洞 普者黑 怒江大峡谷 苍山洱海

4. 云南有什么景点用英语叙述的

Quzhou, a prefecture-level city in Sichuan Province, is called Jiangyang in ancient times, nicknamed Jiucheng and Jiangcheng, bordering Chongqing and Guizhou Province in the east. 翻译:泸州,四川省地级市,古称江阳,别称酒城、江城,东与重庆市和贵州省接壤。 Bordering Guizhou Province in the south, and Yibin City and Zigong City in Sichuan Province in the west and north of Zigong City in the north. Neijiang City and Chongqing City, Sichuan Province. 翻译:南与贵州省连界,西与云南省和四川省宜宾市、自贡市相连,北接四川省内江市和重庆市。 Cangzhou City is the regional central city of the Sichuan-Chongqing Joint Department, an important commercial and trade logistics center of the Chengdu-Chongqing Economic Circle, an important port city in the upper reaches of the Yangtze River. 泸州市是川滇黔渝结合部的区域中心城市,成渝经济圈重要的商贸物流中心,长江上游重要的港口城市。 And the third batch of national new urbanization comprehensive pilot areas. 翻译:同时也是第三批国家新型城镇化综合试点地区。

5. 云南景点用英语怎么说

My home in Yunnan,the United States and picturesque landscape of Yunnan.我的家乡在云南,云南山水美如画Xiongqi spectacular deep canyon,Pentium river flow,waves Green Wave dense forest,bright red hills of Yamahana burning.幽深的峡谷雄奇壮丽,奔腾的江河川流不息,茂密的森林绿波荡漾,艳丽的山花燃红山岗.The legend of the beautiful ancient sounds,day and night,singing songs of Haofang,a large number of national unity,friendship,and happiness to their homes happy auspicious.古老的传说优美动听,豪放的山歌日夜欢唱,众多的民族团结友爱,幸福的家园美满吉祥.Lijiang,Yunnan,Xishuangbanna is beautiful云南的丽江,西双版纳很漂亮Welcome to Yunnan,the most beautiful place欢迎来到云南,最美丽的地方 My hometown is a remote south yunnan province town - GongHeXian,it is famous hometown.My hometown is the beauty of mountains,where water show live yi,haney,yao,dai minority.My hometown is well-known for tropical fruit has a banana,litchi,mango,watermelon...

6. 关于云南旅游的英文介绍






Minority: Yunnan is China's most minority provinces, besides Han, is inhabited by 26 people, the province's minority population occupies total population nearly 1/3. Different nationalities have their own characteristics, so in Yunnan, you can get anywhere without culture

Flower Town: Yunnan known as "Kingdom of plants". Europe and the United States to cultivation of Rh ododendron, camellia, Primula, orchid lily flowers, mostly from Yunnan, not to mention the domestic cultivation of flowers. Yunnan: camellia, cuckoo, eight flowers of Magnolia, primrose, lily, gentian, Meconopsis, orchid. With Yunnan the four seasons such as spring weather, there is a sea of flowers. Mountain bamboo many, a luxuriant bamboo shoots.

Karst: Yunnan Eastern Yunnan-Guizhou Plateau, after two million years of corrosion and weathering erosion, forming a unique magnificent primary Karst landform, karst terrain, especially in the Lunan Stone Forest, Jiuxiang scenic area most.

Tropical rainforest in Xishuangbanna: located south of the Tropic of cancer in the tropical north edge, the tropical monsoon climate, is warm, sunny, humid and rainy, earth tropic desert with only a piece of green state, is China's tropical rain forest ecosystem preservation is most complete, the most typical, the largest area of the region, but also on the planet today rare animal and plant gene bank, known as one of the earth's natural wonders

7. 云南是一个非常美丽的地方用英语




8. 云南著名景点英语

I went to Yunnan Province with my sister to enjoy my summer vacation.During the five-day trip,we visited many famous sites of interest in this province.Among them,Stone Forest in Lunan Yi Nationality Autonomous County leaves a deepest inpression upon me for its strange,steep yet magnificent landscape. Indeed,both my sister and I had such a good time in this tour that we could not help but plan our trip to this province for another time the moment we arrived at home!

9. 云南旅游必去的景点英语

Before we get to our destination I would like to give you a brief introduction to Dali.

Why is it called “Dali”? As we all know Dali has a long history. After the Kingdom of NanZhao Duansiping established the Kingdom of Dali. “li” the Chinese character refers to “manners” indicating the hope of the king which makes his country a prosperous and civilized place.

Dali is a world –famous tourist attraction. It is rich in cultural heritages and tourist resources. Dali is widely claimed as “the Oriental Switzerland” “the Chinese Geneva” and “the Pearl on the Yunnan Plateau”.

Each year it attracts thousands of tourists both at home and from abroad to pay a visit. And we are all familiar with the saying: wind flowers snow and the moon which refers to the snow on Cangshan mountain the moon of the Erhai Lake the wind of Shangguan county and the flowers in Xiaguang county.

There are regarded as the best sight of Dali.


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