
导读:介绍肇庆旅游景点作文英语(关于介绍肇庆的英语作文) 描写肇庆七星岩简单的英语作文 用英语介绍广东肇庆 我的家乡英语作文(在四会,是广东省肇庆市下面的一个县级市)要介绍那的名胜,特产。。。。。。 英语小作文:广东肇庆鼎湖山介绍,200字左右,初二水平 美丽肇庆英语作文200字


QiXingYan Scenic is located about 2 km north of Zhaoqing City,scenic by five lakes, six gangs, seven rocks and eight holes composition,It's 8.23 square km,there are mountain in the lake,cave in the mountain,river in the cave,and mountain surrounded by water.It is natural formed with nimbus, many poets writing poetry to describe such beautiful scenery in the history.

In the streamer and the clean water, the seven limestone peaks comprising the Levant Rock, Yuping Rock, Stone Chamber Rock, Tianzhu Rock, Toad Rock, Fairy Hand Rock and A’po Rock range as the Big Dipper which sprinkles on the 600-hectare green lake.

QiXingYan Famed as “the heaven on earth”, “the first wonder in south of the Five Ridges” and “the natural landscape miniascape”, the QiXingYan Cave is the creator of nature.


Zhaoqing city is located in Guangdong Province,the Midwest,is a famous tourist city,has a long history.Zhaoqing total area of 15000 square kilometers,a population of about 4000000 people.A pleasant climate,summer is not too hot,not too cold in winter.Zhaoqing has many tourist attractions,which has the big dipper and Dinghu mountain,their beautiful scenery every year attracts tourists from all over the.Zhaoqing since the Tang Dynasty to the Duan inkstone is famous.







是一曲青春的歌,轻吟浅唱,温柔灵动;母爱更是一丝心弦,丝丝入扣,余味十足。\x09  记得著名的思想家曾经说过,这世界上最美的呼唤就是“妈妈”,“妈妈”,这是一个多么美好的形容词啊!伴随着我度过了叛逆的时光,在不知不觉中拨动了我那余僵硬的心弦。\x09 \x09 天不知不觉的又凉了,窗外的风如怒吼的野兽般咆哮着,寒风肆意侵入我的身体,冰冷刺骨,我不由打了一个寒颤。忽然,床上的一件鲜红的棉布马夹映入了我的眼帘,刹那间,我的心猛然的一颤,缓缓地,一股暖流加杂着一种莫名的情思涌上心头,思绪瞬间又飘到了一年前的冬季。   \x09 “静儿,妈妈给你弄了一件棉布马夹,来看看!”一声温柔的叫唤流进耳边,我一听,如同五脏六腑中都塞满了蜜一样跑到妈妈面前,可我看到眼前的这件衣服时,刚才的喜悦瞬间凝结挣了一种失望,什么嘛!一件过了时


My hometown is suizhou, there is very beautiful in a city park and the south of baiyun shennong park, is recreation visit places. Winding road, and thick vegetation and Xuan mesh to deprive a person bonsai, let a person with nature.

To realize fall, lake feeling, the hushan is right choice. The hushan LiuAn supple, boasts beautiful scenery, jade stroll, relaxed.

In the evening, jiefang road, LongTai pedestrian street lights, shopping shopping two not mistake; Pearl plaza, railway station plaza, leisure, sports and tide of stream of people, boisterous, might as well go see suizhou of mass cultural life.







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